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Friday, August 22, 2014

Namesake Week 2 Day 2: Covenant Friendship

Today's Scripture: Ruth 1:15-18, 1 Samuel 18:1-4, and Proverbs 18:24

Do you have that one friend that you can call and she will immediately know its you on the line just from you saying "Hey its me."? Or someone that you can call day or night, that will drop everything and come help you? God sends people into our lives, relationships that sustain us in the highest and lowest points in our lives. These relationships show us what unconditional love is, God loves us through other people. Angie (my best friend) and I share a phrase about each other that came from Angie's grandpa "we are each other's Person". Meaning we are that one person to each other that is hard to find, a friendship so strong that it can last distance and time apart and start back up like we never left off. A God given friend!

We see this type of relationship in the bible as well. When Naomi is sending her daughters-in-law back to their home lands and Ruth says no I will stay with you and go where you go.
Ruth 1:16-18 "Where you go I will go and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God will be my God. Where you die I will die and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me."

This pledge that Ruth made to Naomi is the start of a covenant friendship. Both women are dealing with the death of their husbands and having to leave their home, but they can find love and support in each other. At the center of this covenant bond is God, God is at the center and His strength will carry through.
"God often provides us with strength in a very real and physical way by providing us with each other for support. The spiritual is made real in the tangible, loving support of the people of God in our lives." - Namesake 

Everyone starts out in life with a family that we grow up in. Then later in life we marry, have our own kids, etc, this is our family of destination. Then there is another type of family, covenant friends that can sometimes become closer than blood family. The later is the type of relationship that is forming between Naomi and Ruth.

Another example of this type of bod between people of no blood relation can be found in 1 Samuel 18:1-4.

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