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Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Joy of Moving - Packed Craft Boxes

I am getting super excited to moving into our new house! I am not excited over all of my stuff (especially my sewing and crafting supplies) is packed in boxes. I look at Pinterest and really want to get crafty, but can't :(

So I thought I would digitally craft LOL - here are the projects I long to make...and will once we move. Shoot me an email with pics of your latest projects, or if you decide to make one of the projects I pinned shoot me pics of the finished product.

Arm Knitting From Flax and Twine 

Owl "What a Hoot" Cross Stitch Pattern From
Stylish Stitching

DIY Tie Bracelet From Titi Crafty

DIY Gemstone Bobby Pins From Tell Love & Chocolate

And this is just a very small sample of some of the things I am dying to make. Check out my Pinterest boards for more great crafts.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Namesake Week 4 Day 2: Strangers in a Strange Land

Today's Scripture: Daniel 3:8-30, Exodus 20:4-6, Exodus 20:1-17, and Philippians 2:14-16

Today's study really focuses on staying true to yourself, your beliefs and Gods word. We have all faced peer pressure as teens when outside influences are bearing down on us and we have the conflict of standing up for what we know to be the right thing or going along with the crowd. This pressure from outside influences is often felt throughout our lives and was definitely felt by Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.

Daniel and the three other men were taken from Jerusalem to a strange place with a strange culture. The Babylonians made sure to make all the people taken from Jerusalem feel comfortable and at home, to convert them to the language, culture and religion of Babylon. The men's faith was tested the very first night when the king ordered that the men eat the food and drink the wine that was sacrificed to the golden idol, which the men knew God. The young men withstood this temptation and asked that the guard to serve them only vegetables and water as a test for 10 days after the test was over and the guard saw that they looked better than the other men (who had drank and eaten the sacrificial food and wine) the guard decided that the vegetarian meal would continue.

The next test of the men's faith came when the king built a ninety foot high golden idol and expected everyone to bow down to worship this idol. But the three men stood tall and while a see of people bowed down to this idol they stayed standing.This is exactly what God wants, He wants us to standout in a way that shows other that we follow His word. He wants us to act in these ways so that others can clearly see and take notice that our actions that are inspired by God. When the King demanded they bow down or be thrown into the blazing fire, the men refused and said their God will protect them from the fire as a reward for their loyalty and even if they did burn they would not bow down except to their own God.

The King ordered the men bound and thrown into the fire, but what did they see? Four men walking around in the fire unharmed, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah and a fourth that "looks like a son of gods." God stayed right by the young men's side and went with them through the punishment. God will always be by our side through thick and thin, good times and bad ones. When we stand for God we will never stand alone.

The king then ordered that anyone who did not worship the God of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah they would be killed, for no other God can save in this way. We should always stand up for God even when the whole world is bowing down to something else.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Namesake Week 4 Daniel Day 1: True to Our Roots

Today's Scripture: Daniel 1:1-21, Proverbs 22:6, Deuteronomy 11:18-21, Ephesians 6:4, and 2 Timothy 3:16-17

This chapter really could not have come at a better time. My husband and I have been struggling with our 14 year old daughter for the past 2 years. Her rebellious attitude, lack of respect, and getting into trouble has gotten worse and worse. This year (2014) has really been full of trials, anger, disappointment, and struggle. We feel like we are failing as parents! Did we not teach our oldest the things she needed to know / the things that we expect of her, when she was little, is it too late?

In this chapter we meet Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah - four boys who were taught from birth about their culture, beliefs, and their parents expectations of them. Even their names had such meaning that later they could fall back on the meaning for guidance.

Daniel: God is my Judge
Hananiah: Yahweh (God) is Gracious
Mishael: Who is like God?
Azariah: Yahweh (God) has helped

Each time that the boys hear their names they also hear the message that their names mean. As our children grow we share (teach) them about their family, their culture, their beliefs and responsibilities. Every time we sit down with our children or our children sit down with someone else they are learning and observing.

Here are some versus that talk about parenting children who will love God.

 Proverbs 22:6
 Deuteronomy 11:18-21
 Ephesians 6:4
 2 Timothy 3:16-17

I feel that I have done a great disservice to my oldest daughter. I had her 1 month before my 15th birthday, I was not ready to be a mom and I think that caused some of the issues we are having today. I was a child raising a child, I didn't know the things that she needed to learn - to be respectful, have great manners, love God, stay focused on school and stay away from people that are going to get you in trouble. I was learning these things myself, I didn't know that she was missing things along the way. She was influenced more from the outside world than from inside our home, how do I get all that back and get her back on track?

Please God give Chad and I your knowledge and patience to help Shay succeed and help us parent with more love, as you have loved us, and with less anger and frustration. Help Shay to take responsibility for her part and the things that she has done, stop blaming us for her bad choices. Help us please to be better parents and raise great girls who do great in life and love you.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Namesake Week 3 Day 5: Revelation Kinsman-Redeemer

Today's Scripture: Ruth 2:19-20

In our society we start teaching our girls really young that they are princesses and need to wait for the hansom prince that will come and save them. Every Disney princess movie follows that plot, but where are the stories and movie about The One, God who is the ultimate savior. I never restricted either of my girls from watching princess movies or dreaming about romance that will come one day...BUT I am sharing more these days about how God is always there, he has our back and will always be there to save us from things threatening us.

Scripture that shows us where we need to place our hope: Isaiah 40:31 and Jeremiah 17:7-8

Friendships are also something that I'm trying to get my daughters (especially my oldest) to value. My oldest (a freshman in high school this year) is extremely boy crazy, she puts everything else including her school work and girlfriends on-hold for boys. I hate this, I know its normal but I really want her to get involved in school and get good grades and make strong friendships with girls in her class.

I want my girls to be independent and have bunches of close friendships, and trust in the lord. To rely on God to lead the way and help them. Ruth is a great example of a women working hard when she needs to, her close friendship with Naomi is a meaningful blessing to her life, a women not afraid to make her own fairy-tale. The story of Ruth should be a story that we tell our girls at night instead of sleeping beauty.

When Ruth set out in the fields to work she only had one thing in mind, providing for herself and Naomi. She didn't wait for a man on a white horse to come to her aid, she went out and worked hard. When Noami heard that Ruth and Boaz (the land owner) had met she told Ruth that Boaz could be a kinsman-redeemer based on Levirate law.

Kinsman-Redeemer: A man who would help out a family member in distress by "redeeming" them...responsible to redeem a relative who had fallen on hard times and needed rescue. And when a widow is involved this man can take the window as his wife.

Examples and definition of kinsman-redeemer Leviticus 25:25, Leviticus 25:47-49, and
Deuteronomy 25:5-10

A true gentleman would marry the widow of his closest male relative and give the shared inheritance with the children. Kinsman-redeemers are valued members of the family and also definitely instruments of God. God is the ultimate Kindsman-Redeemer, our rescuer and savior. Boaz is not the prince in Ruth's story, its God who works behind the scenes to be the real Kinsmand-Redeemer.

So lets kick Rapunzel out of the way and make room for the story of Ruth and truth that God is the only rescuer / hero we need!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Namesake Week 3 Day 4: Undercover God

Today's Scriptures: Ruth 3:1-18. Ruth 4:1-17, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 and Romans 8:28

In these final scenes of Naomi and Ruth's story we start to see both a change in Naomi and the undercover workings of God (working behind the scenes).

There are many examples in the bible of God's miracles (the big ones) parting of the red sea, Noah and the flood, the burning bush, but there are also many stories of how God worked in the background arranging a few small things that drastically changed the outcome. Do you ever feel like John did in John 20:24-31

"Unless I see...I will not believe."

Sometimes I pray to God and ask for little signs to show me my path, or if I'm on the right path. But I don't thing there has been a time where I have prayed for something miraculous to happen as proof that God is there, I just believe! Believing is seeing as in Luke 24:30-32.

When things start to fall into place people often think of fate or coincidence, but in most cases its the intentions of God working undercover to make things work out for you. When Naomi realized that God was working on her behalf it was a turning point, her bitterness and anger melted away and was replaced with excitement and hope. "We need both God's powerful action in our lives and our own initiative, joining with Him to work for good. He is at work for our good and He wants us to join Him." Namesake.

"We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and 
are called according to His purpose for them."
 - Romans 8:28

The incredible and happy ending for Ruth and also Naomi is Boaz ends up marrying Ruth and starts the lineage towards King David through the birth of Ruth and Boaz son Obed. God used Ruth and Naomi's circumstance and through His amazing plans accomplished something that no one could have imagined. Without Ruth being will to work along side God, and Naomi changing her attitude I don't thing the ending would have gone this way.

"God is at work in and around us all the time. 
We simply need to learn to see." 
~ Jessica LaGrone

Examples of God working undercover:

 John 20:13-17
 Luke 24:30-32
 Matthew 24:31-40
 Hebrews 13:2

Monday, August 25, 2014

Namesake Week 3 Day 3: Love in Action

Today's Scripture: Ruth 2:1-23, and Philippians 2:3-4

In this section of Ruth we are looking at the 2nd act of Naomi's story. When Ruth and Noami arrived in Bethlehem both women were dealing with loss. Naomi had become bitter and angry with God, which is a normal stage of grief. But at some point we have to move through the stages of grief and move on. As Naomi stayed in her grief Ruth began to change and move forward.

Ruth refused to stay wallowing in grief, her and Naomi's situation was serious and since they didn't have a male family member Ruth offered to go out and glean the fields - to gather the left overs the harvesters left behind. Ruth felt a calling to step outside her comfort zone and her own sad situation and go out into the fields.

Don't look out for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too." Philippians 2:3-4

When we are struggling or hurting we should try to reach out and help someone else. It's a hard idea to think about helping or caring for someone else when we are in need ourselves. When we are seen reaching out and helping other's we might inspire someone to do the same. This is what Ruth did and "her goodness and hard work were noticed and rewarded."

When Boaz (the owner of the field) learned of Ruth her took notice of her hard work and determination. He had heard of how she had taken care of Naomi and never left her, Boaz decided to look after her and help her succeed. 

Ruth helped Naomi = Ruth gleaning in the fields = 
Boaz appreciating Ruth's work and care of Naomi = 
Boaz helping and protecting Ruth =
Naomi seeing Boaz helping Ruth and takes step to help Ruth later on

A circle of people helping people helping people, selfless acts of integrity, kindness and service.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Namesake Week 2 Day 2: Covenant Friendship

Today's Scripture: Ruth 1:15-18, 1 Samuel 18:1-4, and Proverbs 18:24

Do you have that one friend that you can call and she will immediately know its you on the line just from you saying "Hey its me."? Or someone that you can call day or night, that will drop everything and come help you? God sends people into our lives, relationships that sustain us in the highest and lowest points in our lives. These relationships show us what unconditional love is, God loves us through other people. Angie (my best friend) and I share a phrase about each other that came from Angie's grandpa "we are each other's Person". Meaning we are that one person to each other that is hard to find, a friendship so strong that it can last distance and time apart and start back up like we never left off. A God given friend!

We see this type of relationship in the bible as well. When Naomi is sending her daughters-in-law back to their home lands and Ruth says no I will stay with you and go where you go.
Ruth 1:16-18 "Where you go I will go and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God will be my God. Where you die I will die and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me."

This pledge that Ruth made to Naomi is the start of a covenant friendship. Both women are dealing with the death of their husbands and having to leave their home, but they can find love and support in each other. At the center of this covenant bond is God, God is at the center and His strength will carry through.
"God often provides us with strength in a very real and physical way by providing us with each other for support. The spiritual is made real in the tangible, loving support of the people of God in our lives." - Namesake 

Everyone starts out in life with a family that we grow up in. Then later in life we marry, have our own kids, etc, this is our family of destination. Then there is another type of family, covenant friends that can sometimes become closer than blood family. The later is the type of relationship that is forming between Naomi and Ruth.

Another example of this type of bod between people of no blood relation can be found in 1 Samuel 18:1-4.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Namesake Week 3 Day 1: The Bitter Truth

Today's Scripture: Ruth 1:1-14, Ruth 1:20-21, and Romans 8:35-39

The start of Naomi's story begins in Judah. Noami, her husband, and her two sons lived in happily in Moab until Elimelech died and left Noami with her two sons and their wives. Shortly after Elimelch's death Naomi's two sons also died.

Naomi lost everything that mattered to her in the whole world. She decided she was going to go back to her home in Bethlehem. Naomi told her daughters in law to go back to their homes and find new husbands. Grief-stricken, angry and alone Naomi returns to Bethlehem. She is immediately greeted and responds "Don't call me Naomi" "Call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter." Ruth 1:20-21

Although Naomi was once very close to God, she blames God for her current state, alone, bitter, having nothing left. God is often the target for our anger and negative emotions. But God has heard it all and wants us to talk to him and empty out our hearts to Him even if the feelings are negative. God has heard it all before, so there is nothing we can say that will hurt him or make him turn away from us.

Even if we turn our backs on God, He will never turn away from us. God wants to be apart of our lives during the good and the bad times. A great exercise is to read Romans 8:35-39 and reword the verse by inserting your own experiences. God is bigger than anything that we could ever struggle with and there is NOTHING that can separate us from His love

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Family Update

I felt that a family update is needed today, since I have not been able to post early in the A.M. everyday you deserve an insight into why...

Well here is the 1st thing, WE GOT THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We move in somewhere around the 20th of September, I can't wait.

So I have been completely busy trying to find a new couch (our current sectional that I is too big). Finding new bedding and accessories for the girls, paint colors, etc etc.

Here is the 2nd thing, Cloe started Preschool 2 days a week and Shay is a FRESHMAN, WHAT? I have a daughter in high school. So I have to drive Shay to school until we move. So Mondays and Wednesdays I drive for an hour dropping the girls off at school. ♥♥♥I LOVE IT!!!!♥♥♥

Here is the 3rd thing...

We brought home a tiny puppy, a male morkie (maltese / yorkie) - Opie

Sp needless to say I am really busy. This morning I only had 20 minutes to spend on my namesake study. Things are kinda a mess at the moment, but its a great mess. I am so blessed and content! I am sorry that my posts are a little late in being published or if I skip a day. Please keep reading and stay tuned for tons of fun projects and house related stuff!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Namesake Week 2 Day 5: The Unspeakable Name

Today's Scripture: Genesis 32:29-30, and Exodus 3:13-15

You know the expression "First impressions are everything."? At the moment we meet people and exchange names we are setting up our roles in the relationship. The way that we say each other's names is a defining part of the connection between us. God does the same thing, we see that in Genesis when God and Jacob are wrestling with each other and Jacob asks what his opponent's name is. It was not asked in a introductory way, but more of a way to have power over the opponent. In Exodus when God tells Moses to take his people out of Egypt Moses asks for God's name so he can tell the people who gave the orders to go to the Promised Land. God said to Moses "I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelite's."
A name contains the essence of the person it belongs too, so when we tell someone our name we are giving away a little part of us. When someone calls out our name they have a slight measure of control / authority over us.

The Hebrew name "I AM" is made of four consonants YHWH. This ancient name for God is know as the tetragrammaton and is a verb meaning "to be". Because of the thought that saying someone's name aloud can exert a measure of power or control over the person the name YHWH was decided to be to sacred to say. If anyone said the name aloud they would be put to death. To avoid saying God's name out loud the people changed YHWH to Yahweh or Jehovah meaning "My Lord". Still today there are many Hebrew texts that refer to God as G*D or G_D so that it can not be accidentally pronounced. But God never intended any of this.

God is both immanent (close) and transcendent (apart). How do you think of God when you pray? Do you think of God as accessible and friendly or more  divine and holy?

Here are some verses about the holiness of God and how He is set apart from us.

Exodus 15:11
Isaiah 6:1-3
Revelation 1:12-19

And here are some verses about the personality traits that we see as approachable and close to us.

Genesis 3:8
John 1:14

God is constantly revealing Himself to us through His word and more importantly through His actions in our lives. "What's better, a God who tells you that He's powerful, loving, patient and good, or a God who shows you these traits in every interaction.?" "God will never separate words and actions."

"The Character of God shows us that we can trust Him. He will never act in ways that are not established in Scripture."

I hope through my actions to be God's namesake. To act and live in a way that makes God proud of me. God speaks in so many different ways, but most important is the way He can speak through us and the works that He does in you and me.

Tonight when you are in quiet prayer think back to a time when you wondered if you could trust God. Talk to God about this time in your life and how you struggled to trust Him. Spend some time in praise of the unchanging I AM and blessings of I WILL.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Namesake Week 2 Day 4: The Divine Wrestling Match

Today's Scripture: Genesis : 32:22-30, Hosea 12:3-4, and Isaiah 43:1-7

Have you ever walked into an event or maybe church and felt like no one could ever relate to you? For the most part people will always put on a happy face and walk around looking their best, when inside they are at their worst. Jessica calls this "Comparing your inside to someone else's outside." It's sometimes hard to remember that everyone is struggling with something.

 The other day I had to go get my vitamin D level checked, they was a little bit of a wait but I had time since my youngest was at preschool. While I was waiting the lady next to me started talking to her mom about her daughter and how she is suffering from lime disease. She talked about how sick she was just months ago and how they feared loosing her completely. She told her mom how she and her husband have leaned on the church and each other. You never would have guessed that this family was battled something so hard.

Seeing Jacob from the outside you would have thought that he was happy and successful. He had a large family, wealth, land, and livestock. But Jacob was a total mess on the inside, he took what wasn't his, rain from his mistakes and turned away from his past. With all that Jacob had we was dissatisfied and discontent. He finally decided it was time to pack up and go face his past. When Jacob and his followers reached the Jabbok river he sent all his possessions and sent them across with all his people. And there Jacob was all alone and empty, but he wasn't alone for long. Genesis 32:24 "So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak" At the end of the fight the man asked "What is your name?" and Jacob answered "I am Jacob". Finally an honest answer! The man (the heavenly father) blessed Jacob. God then renamed Jacob "Israel". When we are honest about our desperate state and our need for God, then He can start changing and molding us into the ones He wants us to be.

Jacob learned that the more he gained, the more he lost. When he let go, the more he gained. We have to stop trying to manage our mess all alone. By turning it over to God He will work with us and help us to make the needed changes to improve our situation.

Read Matthew 16:24-26 and Isaiah 43:1-7

"God will always be there to offer a new blessing, a new name, and a new chance to be be declared His children."

At the end of this chapter there is an activity to draw a river, on one side list the things you've been clinging to. On the other side write your name, God's name and write a prayer to help you let go and cling only to God.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Namesake Week 2 Day 3: More Than Enough

Today's Scripture: Genesis 27:1-13, Genesis 27:14-17, Genesis 27:18-40, and Philippians 4:11-13

I will be okay when ________ happens. I think I say this all the time, do you find yourself saying something along those lines? Or do you look at others and wonder why God has provided them their hearts desire and mine is unfulfilled?

Complete this sentence: I'll be happy when ___________________________ (my answer: we move and get settled).

In Genesis 27 we read about how Jacob lived his life based on the motto of "I'll be happy when". Jacob's downfall was basing his life on what his brother had (things that we wanted, that he ended up taking). When Isaac had finally come to the end of life, he told Esau to go and hunt for wild game, to prepare a meal for him and he would give Esau his blessing (his birthright has the 1st son). Once Esau had left Rebekah had a plan to use Jacob and deceive Isaac into giving Jacob the blessing of the 1st son.

Rebekah had Jacob bring her two goats which cooked into a tasty meal, she dressed Jacob in Esau clothes and covered his smooth skin with the skin from the goats. She gave Jacob the meal and told him to take it to Isaac. Her scheme was to steal the birthright and blessing from her older son and have it given to the younger son Jacob.

And so Isaac gave the blessing to Jacob. Esau soon returned and also cooked a meal for Isaac and when he brought it in to him was told that the blessing had already been given wrongfully to Jacob. Esau was saddened and in deep despair. Esau begged his father Isaac for a blessing, there must be some blessing that Isaac could bestow on Esau? But no he said the blessing will stand as it was given.

The lesson that can be learned from Jacob is our discontentment with what we have can damage the relationships with those around us. It can also damage our relationship with God. If we spend our lives wishing for what others have we can't see the life that God intended for us. Jacob wanted what his brother had, so not only did he do everything in his power to get it, but he basically told God I'm not happy with the life you have given me, I want to switch with my brother.

In 1 Timothy 6:6-10 it says that being content brings godliness and happiness, "let us be content with what we have" and praise God for our many blessings. Being discontent may lead us into temptation, to become trapped by foolishness and end up in sorrow.  We as humans will always want more, but its important to thank God for the blessing we receive and to always work to find contentment in our lives.

"Knowing the love of our heavenly Father means 
knowing there will be more than enough to go around" 
- Jessica LaGrone 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Namesake Week 2 Day 2: Brotherly Love

Week 2
Day 2
Brotherly Love

Today's Scripture: Genesis 25:27-34, Philippians 2:3-4, and Romans 12:10

This chapter is titled Brotherly Love, but its really about loving one another no matter who the other person is family or not.

One of the hardest things about family (or people close enough to call family) is the rivalry that can grow between you. Jacob and Esau had rival right from the start, they fought for room in their mother's womb. They fought at birth for who would be born first and they fought over their birthright. Jacob was not satisfied with being the second son and when Esau came to Jacob while he was cooking, Esau was famished and asked for some of the meal. Jacob took advantage of this weakness and traded the food for Esau' birthright as the first son.

Birthright -
Material and spiritual blessing and inheritance combined with the authority given only to the firstborn son.

Both brothers experienced a sense of instant gratification / short-term pleasure when Jacob did the exchange with Esau, but they would also have long-term regret. Jacob really is the best example of forfeiting a relationship for material gain.

"Be devote to one another in love. 
Honor one another about yourselves"
Romans 12:10 

The first step to being able to love and respect others is to love and respect ourselves first. If we don't start with this step our relationships with others will always be tainted with neediness and self-interest. We can't expect a friendship to fulfill us, a friendship is made to compliment our lives. Once we feel self-worth and love in Christ, we will want others to feel it to, and we wont be able to contain it.

Here are some scriptures laying out the guidelines for how to treat one another.

Romans 15:7
1 Corinthians 1:10
Ephesians 4:2
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Galatians 6:2
Luke 6:31

Sometimes its hardest to put others first, and to love and respect those that we are closest to. I find it easier to overlook flaws of people that I don't see everyday, but I'm around my family all the time so it becomes harder to overlook their shortcomings. I need to print these scriptures out and put them on the fridge to remind us all how to love each other.

My prayer for tonight is to pray for my daughter, to accept her as she is (Romans 5:17), to be patient with her (Ephesians 4:2). I need to be more gentle and understanding of my daughter, instead of judgmental and irritated with her.

"So encourage each other and build each other up" 1 Thessalonians 5:11. This is my mission as a mother, to build my daughters up and make them the most confident and happy girls they can be.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Namesake - Week 2: What name is Given This Child? Part 2 of 2

Today's Scripture: Exodus 2:1-10

Yesterday we talked a little bit about how a person's name can become their identity, good or bad. Our names have all kinds of meaning or represent characteristics our parents thought we would have. Jacob's name had a double meaning 1 positive and 1 negative. As Jacob grew he made the decision to fulfill the more negative traits of his name story.

Today we read Exodus 2:1-10 which is the story of Moses. Moses' name also ends up having a double meaning. When Moses was born his mother put him in a bed of reeds where the pharaohs daughter found him. He was nursed and brought up his biological mother and then adopted by the pharaohs daughter. She named him Moses for "I lifted him out of the water". Later in Exodus 3:10 the Lord comes to Moses and says "You must lead my people of Israel out of Egypt." So Moses lifted the people out of Egypt, and right then the second meaning of Moses' name comes to light. 

Lets look at our names now. I have many names Babe, mom, mommy, Lins, honey. When I was little my dad called me his "little angel". All of these names are positive and make me feel happy, loved, protected, etc. But there are also names that I have been called that aren't so warm and fuzzy. Immature, hateful, fat, always in a hurry, hot head, etc. How do we deal with this battle of positive and negative? Not to mention that especially as parents we too are responsible for naming others, people we love, family, children, spouse, and our friends. We speak names over all of them. 

I believe that when women are pregnant (and this applies to the dad as well) we speak to God our dreams and fears for our child. There is a conversation that happens between the parents and God and during that conversation our names are spoken and God approves, and so God does chose our name. Sometimes this is one all in our heart, we wake up one morning and say "I am going to name our baby ________." There are other times like with Jacob when the name just pops up and is attached to the baby for better or worse.

Our challenge and this might be daily for most of us, I know that many times during the day I deal with naming myself negative and positive names. We have to sort out these names, identify and remove the names that don't fit God's vision for us. We need to hold on to the greatness of our name which came from God. 

The negative names don't have to stick and define who we are, but we have to work on removing and replacing these names. The only names that should matter are the ones that represent God's dream for us, that will mold us into the person that God wants us to be.

Additional reading, God's names for us His people: Judges 6:12, Isaiah 41:9-10, Ephesians 2:10, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, and 1 Peter 2:9

"No name is permanent if God wants to change it. 
God always has the power to start us over on a better-named path, showering us with His grace." -Jessica LaGrone, Namesake

Monday, August 11, 2014

Namesake - Week 2: What name is Given This Child? Part 1 of 2

Good Morning I hope your weekends were great and filled with fun times. My husband and I went out of town for the night, a much needed little getaway. We stayed in a wonderful modern bed and breakfast in Sutter Creek, Ca The Hanford House Inn. Ate great food, went wine tasting and really enjoyed each other's company.

Today's Scripture: Genesis 25:19-26, Exodus 2:1-10, Exodus 3:10

This week we are exploring Jacob and how our name, the meaning, and the circumstance of our naming can have a positive and/or negative power over our lives and character.

We start by reading Genesis 25:19-26 and learn that Isaac's wife Rebekah becomes pregnant. During her pregnancy she learns that she is carrying twins, there are two nations competing in her womb "one will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger."
Rebekah is torn over this situation as she realizes that there will be fighting and animosity in the family, between these two children of hers. There will be anguish and in the end war over these two twins. Normally as we have read that there is more to a name than just what we are called. "Naming stories". When the two boys are born the older Esau is born covered in red hair and so they named him Esau "Hairy" and the younger boy is born holding onto the heel of Esau and so they names him Jacob "Holder of the heel" more importantly Jacobs name also means "to trip over or otherthrow, taker of what is not his". This negative meaning to Jacob's name ends up having a deep impact on Jacob's life.

There are often two purposes in our names: to mark the circumstance around our birth, and to describe a character trait or gift that the child can grow into. For Jacob the double meaning in his name was unintentional.

How do we live up to the dreams of our parents and God without living out the negative connotations that might also be associated with our name?

This is a very long chapter, so I am going to continue it tomorrow with the second half of how to live life with both the negative and positive power our names can have.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Namesake Week 1 Day 5: Revelation, Call on the Name of God

Today's Scripture: Genesis 11:1-8 and Genesis 12:1-9

As mentioned in the introduction to this study the first 4 days of the weeks study is related to transformation, learning about changes that God made in the lives of others. The last day of each week is about revelation, exploring the unchanging identity and character of God. 

"True change is found in discovering who God is, how God reveals Himself and His love to us, and how it makes a difference in our own lives."

Can you imagine what is would be like is we tried to become more like God if he never revealed His character to us. We would be like a dog trying to catch him own tail, going around and around trying to catch ourselves. 

Here are some of the characteristics of God listed in the Bible

A strong fortress, a place to find love and safety
Unfailing, never ending righteousness
Giver of Life to all who believe

Scripture relating to God's nature: Proverbs 18:10, Psalm 1113:1-3, and John 20:31

Many people make a list of the priorities in their lives, most go something like family, job, house, etc, etc. But for Christians its important for God to be at the top of the list, put first, and made top priority. He has to be the center of our universe, not ourselves. Jessica LaGrone points something out about the story of The Tower of Babel (Genesis Chapter 11) that I never really noticed. The people came together to build this tower so that "their" name would be known. By putting themselves before God, and putting themselves in God's rightful place they start a drastic downward spiral. 

Genesis Chapter 11 - Moral Bankruptcy - Bankruptcy Chapter 11 =

bank·rupt·cy, Noun - The state of being completely lacking in a particular quality or value. Failure, depleted, empty.

If the people had called out to God and asked for Him to reveal his plan and purpose for them they could have been mighty leaders and known for that, instead of causing total chaos and crashing down (bankruptcy) of the tower. 

This really stuck with me: "the characteristics at the heart of God are central to the future they (we) are now seeking."

When we call out to God for help, guidance, or support we need to not be calling God to us to do something, or do things our way. We need to call out to God, with all His Love, Power, and Mercy, in Praise of Him to please for Him act in His will on this situation. More times than not, God will make changes in us (changes to our heart, our character to be more like Him) that will in the end bring about the change that we are asking for. God works in mysterious ways.

Psalm 86:5 and Romans 10:13

Instructions from God on how to pray and call out His name can be found in Matthew 6

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Namesake Week 1 Day 4: Waiting On God

Today's scripture Genesis 18:15, Genesis 8:6-12, 1 Samuel 1:1-22 and Luke 2:25-35

Additional reading about waiting Psalm 27:14, Psalm 130:5-7 and Isaiah 40:31

In this chapter Jessica talks about her trials to conceive a child, all the doctor appointments, tests, and waiting. I can completely understand it has been three long years of trying to get a diagnosis and treatment for my lower back pain and come to find out just this year that I also have MS (Multiple Sclerosis). That phrase "Hurry up and wait" is exactly how things have gone these few years and it has been one of the most trying times in my life. Just like Abraham and Sarah I have spent countless hours of worry, waiting, hoping, praying and praying some more.

Letting God be in control and trusting him can be the hardest thing we have to do sometimes. God's promise of "I Will" (from chapter 3) means that God is responsible and He has our lives in His hands, and not in our own. Learning how to wait well is a really important skill because we will always be waiting on or for something. Waiting on the blessings can sometimes be a blessing in disguise because we have to rely on God more than ever.

Have thin own way, Lord! Have thine own way!
Thou art the potter, I am the clay.
Mold me and make me after they will,
while I am waiting, yielding and still.
                                           -Adelaide A Pollard

I am a control freak often times, I try to think of and plan for everything. I worry, over analyse, and try to plan out my own future. All of this OCD craziness ends of making me stressed and in the end disappointed. Waiting strips us of the illusion that we are the ones who make things happen and it forces us to acknowledge that God is the one in control. We know that God has dreams and has made us promises, but he never delivers a timeline. We must learn to trust in God's plan of "I Will" and simply wait. We have to release control to God. In the last week of this home buying situation I prayed and gave all the stress and worry over to God. 

God, I give it all up to you. I know this is not in my control. If its your will that my family and I get this house then please let it be. Please Lord take away our stress and worry. Help us find comfort in the fact that you have your hands in this and be satisfied with the results. I know that if its not in your will you will help us find our way. Amen

If we hope and search for God He will listen, answer and turn to us. He will not leave us alone for He hears our cries the most when we truly need His help. All of the waiting in the past three years has molded me. Its made me appreciate and be more thankful for what I have. It has made my relationships with everyone stronger and richer, and although I'm still learning - it has been me understand that I have to slow down. 

I have made a promise over the next few weeks that when I am in a situation of waiting that I will put down my phone, turn off the TV, or whatever else is a distraction and look around. Listen, talk to people and fully be present in the waiting. I'm sure there is a message or lesson that can be found in the waiting, otherwise wouldn't God just make what I'm waiting for instantly happen?

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Namesake Week 1 Day 3: Promises, Promises

Today's Scripture: Genesis 17:1-8, Genesis 17:6, 15-16, Galatians 3:26-29, and Romans 9:8

The following passages show God's Promises,

Numbers 23:19 - God doesn't lie, fail to act, or change his mind. He is not human and so he always carries through

Joshua 23:14 - Every promise God makes comes true.

John 14:1-2 - Trust in God for he will always make room for you.

2 Peter 3:9 - God is patient and wants / waits for everyone to repent and find Him.

Abraham and Sarah grew up in a polytheism (the belief in multiple gods) families. They had no experience with God and his promises. They were not used to a God who only wanted their love in return for the promises and fulfillment of a great life / future. God sought out and fulfilled every promise that He made to Abraham and Sarah without the need for sacrifices or manipulation. 

There are three promises that God makes to his people

1. People - God came to Abraham and Sarah and promised them not only a child that they so desperately wanted, but he also promised them a family as plentiful as the stars. He promised them "People" a family line. (Galatians 3:26-29)

2. Place - In Genesis 17 God promises "The whole land of Canaan, where you are now an alien, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you." In the days of the Bible a persons wealth was determined based on your offspring and the land you owned. By God promising Abraham and Sarah a nation and giving them a beautiful and fruitful land. He gave them a "Place".

3. Presence - God offered Abraham and Sarah and ALL OF US one of the greatest things he can - he offers us His presence. The greatest promise of all someone to walk beside us and guide us. A covenant to be our God forever and to be the God of our children and their children and on and on. "His commitment to walk with us as His children." Jessica LaGrone Namesake

Additional passages about God's presence 

Psalm 16:11, Psalm 41:12, and Acts 17:28

God's blessings in my life:

God has blessed me by providing people that bring me joy - My husband, my daughters, friends that come and one and my sister. These are the people besides my parents and in-laws that bring laughter and joy to my life.

God has blessed me by providing places that I treasure - The ocean, the mountains, my past homes and the beach houses where we have vacationed.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Namesake Week 1 Day 2: Small Changes, Big Impact

Today's Scripture: Genesis 17:1-5, 15-22, Genesis 17:4-6, Genesis 17:15-16, And Galatians 5:22-23

The message in today's study is that sometimes we wait for God to make huge changes that we will change our whole life's, but often the biggest changes come from the tiniest of adjustments. When God changed Abrams and Sarai names He only changes them both by one letter, the Hebrew letter "Hey" (H) Abram became Abraham and Sarai became Sarah. God changed the whole course of their lives just by giving them both a letter H.

When God changed Abraham and Sarah's names and told them of the child they were to have, God painted a clear picture of what the future was going to look like. As with many things in our lives we sometimes only have sight for the big changes, but we shouldn't underestimate the value of small changes.

 "God works powerfully, but for the most part gently and gradually." John Newton

The story of Nicodemus is a great example of the changes that God can make in our lives. The story of how Nicodemus can be found in John 3 and John 19. "Nicodemus' faith developed in a way that many Christians can relate to. I know that when I decided to recommit to God and my faith in 2010 that these steps are exactly how I felt.

1. We become curious about Jesus but hesitant to do anything about it.
2. We watch other believers wondering what makes them so different
3. We decide that we want to get to know the Lord so we start reading His word - getting to know Him through the Bible and prayer
4. We hide our faith from others for fear of being judged
5. Then we go public - we make sure that everyone know we are Christians and we believe in God and Jesus Christ

"Public faith affects the way we treat others, the way we handle anger or disappointment and the way we choose to sacrifice for the good of others - showing the characteristics of Christ in our lives." - Jessica LaGrone, Namesake

The characteristics of someone transformed by God are often called the Fruit of the Spirit. There are 9 traits that grow as we live our lives surrendered to God.

1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Goodness
7. Faithfulness
8. Gentleness
9. Self-Control

Here is one of the questions asked in this series. What are some of the way that you've experienced over the years with God's help? How are you different now than 5 / 10 years ago?

Answer -

I value my marriage, my husband, and my family sooo much more! I know I need to put time into all my relationships and I have grown my relationship with God 10x's from 5 even 10 years ago. I have decided to make all of these relationships my priority. In the past I put work, friends, and material possessions before my family, marriage, children, and God. I am happy in my life, I am joyous and I'm working on growing the 9 traits of the fruit of the spirit, I am also always working on being a better mother, wife, and growing closer to God.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Namesake Week 1 Day 1: What's in a Name?

Today's scripture Genesis 12:1-4, Genesis 29:31-35, 30:1-12

Our names are not given as much thought these days as back when the Bible was written. Our names are given to us for many reasons, to tell a story, description of inner character, or to carry on a family name or tradition. But back when the Bible was written parents would invest a significant amount of time choosing just the right name, a name for their child to grow into, a dream to be fulfilled.

Here are the names of Abraham and Sarah's great-grandchildren and some words that came to my mind after reading the reasons for their names.

Reuben - Love shared between a husband and wife
Simeon - The loving bond shared between a mother and son
Levi - A son for a father to love
Judah - Praise to God for the last son
Dan - Vindication 
Naphtali - Struggles towards a win
Gad - Fortunate
Asher - Joy and celebration

Isaiah 43:1 "But now, O Jacob, listen to the Lord who created you. O israel, the one who formed you says, Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by names, you are mine."

I love this verse! The Lord created us, formed us, and ransomed us. He named us out of love and we're His.
I have always thought of God is a fatherly way, my father and teacher. It truly makes me happy to have such a close relationship with God, to be his child.

Act on It:

I never really have thought much about my name or why my parents chose the name they did. So I called my mom this afternoon and asked her. "Well....." I heard the name Lindsy somewhere, someone said it and I liked it. It was unique and wasn't very common at the time." I looked up the definition of my name after I got off the phone with my mom.  

Lindsy - Island of Linden Trees. Near the Island of Linden Trees. ( The linden tree is a large long lived tree that is also know as the lime tree for its sent.)
My middle name Marie - Loyal

I guess the name fits me better than I thought. I love water and all the colors of water. I consider myself to be a loyal person, hopefully those around me feel the same way.

What does your name and the names of your family members mean? It might give you a better idea of who you are, or rather who your parents dreamed that you might become. Who God is calling us to become.

The first step in the transformation to becoming Jesus' namesake is to trust in the Lord for he has a plan for us. Jeremiah 29:11 and Ephesians 3:20 are great examples of this plan. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Teen Glam Room

Here are some of the ideas that my oldest daughter has for her new room. She really wants grey and a chevron wall. The white and black heart bedding from Pottery Barn is something that she has fallen in love with. We are going to chalk board paint her closet doors, hang some twinkle lights and make sure she has a large memo board for all her photos. So many great ideas and I love the peachy pink accent color she has chosen as well.


1. Chevron
2. Chalk board
3. X-Large memo board
4. Twinkle Lights
5. Puddled curtains
6. Gray and pink
7. Make-up Vanity
8. Pottery Barn Teen Heart Bedding
9. Teen Glam
10. Luxury and hipster

Friday, August 1, 2014

Cloe's Butterfly Little Girls Inspiration Board

Cloe is only 3.5 and although her ideas for her room change by the second I really like the idea of brighter colors. She is not longer a baby so those super pale pastel colors are not really fitting. One of her most recent ideas is a butterfly room, and I love it.

She is not sure if she wants blue or pink walls, but she wants pink, aqua, blue, and white. Butterfly garlands or a wall installation of butterflies. I can't wait to get this all together for her!


1. Bright pink, aqua, and and blue
2. Butterfly bedding
3. Accent wall with frames or her name
4. Banner / pennants
5. Mobile and or hanging butterflies
6. More organized
7. A completed theme
8. Chalk board painted closet doors
9. New dresser
10. A place that Cloe wants to play in