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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Namesake Week 5 Day 2: Writing in the Sand

Today's Scripture: John 8:6-11, Jeremiah 31:31-34

When we look at what Jesus was doing when the Women Caught in Adultery was brought before Him for judgement, we see that Jesus was bent down writing something in the dirt. I have heard this story before and the bible does not say what Jesus was writing but we know it was words. One of the ideas (the one I love the best) is that Jesus was writing the women's name. The men that brought the women forward was just a pawn to the undoing of Jesus, so if Jesus had written her name the men would have had a very hard time continuing to see her as an object. By writing her name Jesus was saying this women is more than her sin, more than her mistakes, She has a name.

One of the other ideas that I like is that Jesus was writing a message of love, forgiveness, mercy and grace. A message that would have brought comfort to the women who's fate lied in Jesus' hands. The message must have been important for there is only one other time that Jesus (through God) wrote something and that was the 10 commandments. God wants a relationship with us that is made of love not obligation to obey a set of rules. God writes this desire to be obeyed on our hearts and wants our desires to match His desires.

One aspect of this story is the bible never questions the women's guilt, but she is as guilty of breaking God's laws as the men who accused her. If you are free of sin cast the 1st stone. The men who brought her to trial had to then look into their own hearts and one by one walked away. God longs to write His love on our hearts and wants our obedience to be willing.


Help me to fall in love with you. Please help my actions to flow out of my heart and have this love be reflected in my outward obedience. Come and write Your words on my heart. Show me how to desire what you desire and how best to follow your will.


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