7. Coming to the End of Yourself
How do I fight with all I have to love deeper, stronger, longer, and harder? Especially when I'm weary and have little left?
Am I on the right path? And leading my girls and husband down the right path?
These are questions I ask myself all the time, are you asking yourself similar questions?
Today I woke up in so much pain, from my back. I am always slow in the morning, I call it my granny time. I took my meds and got no relief. Its frustrating and makes me mad that I have these limitations. That when I have ten million things to do I am unable to do any of them.
Just like this chapter says I'm trudging and overwhelmed with the never-ending exhausting tasks of being a wife and mother, but then I also have the MS, injections, doctor appointments, and chronic back pain. My youngest has had a ear infection every month since April so she too has meds and follow up appointment, I see tubes in her ears in the near future.
TIRED...that's how I feel all the time! I guess I'm coming to the end of myself and I'm having to face my sins and shortcomings.
It's important that we set aside come quiet time with God to admit our sins and shortcomings. To go to the alter, where we can empty our hearts mess out to God, where He can meet us and bless us with grace and joy. When we do this it invites the Lord to speak to us, show his unconditional love, support and He will always welcome us into his arms.
"Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus"
Worship is the greatest way to refuel.
"The joy dwelling place is found in the Lord."
From my journal,
Page 85 really spoke to me
"See the thing about worship is that it acknowledges in the very deepest part of our souls that we need Him. We can't take this journey on our own. We need the very presence of the Lord to strengthen and guide us. We need Him every hour...He wants to whisper into your heart that He loves you and will never let you go."
3. You can find an alter to kneel upon anywhere and at anytime. Make sure to make an appointment with God to kneel and meet Him.
4. Places I have met God (knelt at the alter):
Standing all alone in my living room
When I'm out on a motorcycle ride with my husband, I always feel free and joyous in times like these and pray prayers of thankfulness
In bed at time right before I fall asleep
In the car
5. My goal is to create a space in my home that is all mine where I can have a desk. A place I can sit in quiet conversation with God, and the space to do my devotions and blog work.