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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Finding My Blessings

I really should have posted this earlier in the week, but I had to end my fast early. Because of being sick coupled with fasting and being stressed my body was not recovering like it should have. I was really stressed over the weekend due to some financial problems. Tuesday I felt so sick causing me to get up at 2:30am and never going back to bed. I ate breakfast and drank hot tea all day and I am finally started to feel myself again.

It kind of feels like failure. These are the times when it seems hard to find the blessings and see the positive. Its easy to count our blessings when things are going great and the world is filled with sunshine and rainbows. I really had to dig deep this week to remember that I have to give God the things that are making me stressed and find my daily blessings.

Here is my list of what this fast provided me:

1. A closer relationship with God
2. A lasting habit to spend quiet time each morning - read the bible, study, pray, etc.
3. Release of the problems that are out of my control - to stop trying to control all of these things.
4. Slowing down - to be present
5. Take the time to nurture the relationships in my life
6. Pray, pray, pray - and the power in it!
7. Although I wasn't able to finish my fast I am more thankful for the things that I fasted from - breakfast, drinks other than water, social media each morning (Which I am spending less time on permanently).
8. I made the commitment to get us all out of the house, the kids need to be outside and unplugged.
9. Spreading Gods words openly to my friends in need of comfort and advise.
10. To live fully, love fully, and remember to TRUST god always

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