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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Namesake Week 1 Day 2: Small Changes, Big Impact

Today's Scripture: Genesis 17:1-5, 15-22, Genesis 17:4-6, Genesis 17:15-16, And Galatians 5:22-23

The message in today's study is that sometimes we wait for God to make huge changes that we will change our whole life's, but often the biggest changes come from the tiniest of adjustments. When God changed Abrams and Sarai names He only changes them both by one letter, the Hebrew letter "Hey" (H) Abram became Abraham and Sarai became Sarah. God changed the whole course of their lives just by giving them both a letter H.

When God changed Abraham and Sarah's names and told them of the child they were to have, God painted a clear picture of what the future was going to look like. As with many things in our lives we sometimes only have sight for the big changes, but we shouldn't underestimate the value of small changes.

 "God works powerfully, but for the most part gently and gradually." John Newton

The story of Nicodemus is a great example of the changes that God can make in our lives. The story of how Nicodemus can be found in John 3 and John 19. "Nicodemus' faith developed in a way that many Christians can relate to. I know that when I decided to recommit to God and my faith in 2010 that these steps are exactly how I felt.

1. We become curious about Jesus but hesitant to do anything about it.
2. We watch other believers wondering what makes them so different
3. We decide that we want to get to know the Lord so we start reading His word - getting to know Him through the Bible and prayer
4. We hide our faith from others for fear of being judged
5. Then we go public - we make sure that everyone know we are Christians and we believe in God and Jesus Christ

"Public faith affects the way we treat others, the way we handle anger or disappointment and the way we choose to sacrifice for the good of others - showing the characteristics of Christ in our lives." - Jessica LaGrone, Namesake

The characteristics of someone transformed by God are often called the Fruit of the Spirit. There are 9 traits that grow as we live our lives surrendered to God.

1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Goodness
7. Faithfulness
8. Gentleness
9. Self-Control

Here is one of the questions asked in this series. What are some of the way that you've experienced over the years with God's help? How are you different now than 5 / 10 years ago?

Answer -

I value my marriage, my husband, and my family sooo much more! I know I need to put time into all my relationships and I have grown my relationship with God 10x's from 5 even 10 years ago. I have decided to make all of these relationships my priority. In the past I put work, friends, and material possessions before my family, marriage, children, and God. I am happy in my life, I am joyous and I'm working on growing the 9 traits of the fruit of the spirit, I am also always working on being a better mother, wife, and growing closer to God.

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