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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 1

Prayer in the Bible Day 1: Praise

Day 1 Scripture: Psalm 8

There are those moments when we pray for help and guidance or for the screaming baby to fall asleep. But there are also those moments when our breath is taken away and we forget ourselves - these moments are moments of prayer praise. Words don't even have to be spoke for God knows that you are in awe of something he created, you are enjoying a gift he made for us.

These moments are best when experienced when we wake up each morning, not that I roll out of bed ready to praise, but if we find just one moment each morning to sit and make it all about God then our day might be so much better. The moment I enjoy the most is those few minutes before the kids wake up and the hustle starts, to say "Thank you God".

From my Journal:

I know that I feel more centered when I do my devotional time in the morning, when I take the time to cherish and nurture my relationship with God. My mornings spent with God are for learning the word, applying it to my life and to give praise and thanks to God. My nights before I fall asleep and when I'm in the car alone are my times to pray for help.

Moving on there were two versus that I really liked in Psalm 8.

V3 "When I look at the night sky and see the work on your fingers p the moon and the stars you set in place."

David is in awe - he is thanking God for the wonder of the sky and acknowledging that God made it.

V5 "Yet you made them (Us) only a little lower than God and crowned them with Glory and honor."

We are only a little lower than God and oh the blessing of his glory and honor. Grace

O Lord, Our Lord your majestic name fills the earth." - Psalm 8:1

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