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Friday, April 11, 2014

She Reads Truth - This is the Bible Day #5

She Reads Truth - This is The Bible Day #5

Why do we read the bible, memorize scripture, and meditate on God's word? Why do you read the Bible? Before the 12 months or so I had not / did not read the Bible, it was intimidating. The language was hard to understand and I was lost on the meaning and how to apply it to everyday life. She Reads Truth really makes it easy.

Today we are looking at putting on God's armor and fighting the Christian fight against the evils that "The forces of darkness that are defeated, but not yet harmless." As a Christian there will be times when when we will have to fight against evil spiritual forces, pick up the sword of God, use the wisdom of God's word, and with God at our sides we will defend ourselves.

"Reading Scripture and meditating on it, storing it up in our hearts and minds, is not mere Christian duty. It is our privilege." - She Reads Truth

From my journal:

In Ephesians the armor of God is laid out. There are 6 pieces to the armor, the recipe of how to stand against evil and come out on the other side whole.

1. The body of the armor - Gods righteousness
2. The belt of truth
3. The shoes - God's peace
4. The shield of faith
5. The helmet - God's salvation
6. The sword of the spirit (two-edged sword) - God's word

Psalms 119:103 "How sweet your words taste to me, they are sweeter than honey."

God's word serves so many purposes - wisdom, guidance, protection, comfort, joy, and solace. When we struggle or when the people around us seek to hurt us in someway, God and his word is where we should turn to for comfort and protection. 

"Every word of God is TRUE. He is a shield to all who come to him for protection." Proverbs 30:5

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