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Friday, May 23, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 17

Prayer in the Bible Day 17: Practicing Kingdom Praying

Day 17 Scripture: Psalm 103:19, Isaiah 61:1, and Revelations 11:15

How do we choose what to pray for? There are so many world issues and we have all our own issues, it may seem a little overwhelming to pick just one thing. Try to remember to stay focused on the bigger picture, pray for the hurting of the world close and far. 

As you see the news stories instead of turning away or sitting in worry use these opportunities to pray. Ask God for a good ending, for His Kingdom to come to earth and for people to find God.

As you pray you might find that God will lay down a path for you, directing you towards a specific area, person, or issue. You may be the good outcome. You might be the one to bring God's work to a problem. Isaiah 61:1

From my journal:

Lately I have really tried to sit down and think if there are other's who need my prayers. A friend in need or families facing loosing everything in a flood or fire. I still pray from myself, but why not pray for others too? There is power in prayer and every prayer is heard by God. So pray for those around you that request prayers, for all the hungry in the world, pray for your neighbor, or those hurting in Russia. 

My 1 prayer could make all the difference. Isn't that amazing? God gave me this gift to use and to share, so by praying I am bringing His Kingdom to earth. 

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