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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Namesake Week 1 Day 3: Promises, Promises

Today's Scripture: Genesis 17:1-8, Genesis 17:6, 15-16, Galatians 3:26-29, and Romans 9:8

The following passages show God's Promises,

Numbers 23:19 - God doesn't lie, fail to act, or change his mind. He is not human and so he always carries through

Joshua 23:14 - Every promise God makes comes true.

John 14:1-2 - Trust in God for he will always make room for you.

2 Peter 3:9 - God is patient and wants / waits for everyone to repent and find Him.

Abraham and Sarah grew up in a polytheism (the belief in multiple gods) families. They had no experience with God and his promises. They were not used to a God who only wanted their love in return for the promises and fulfillment of a great life / future. God sought out and fulfilled every promise that He made to Abraham and Sarah without the need for sacrifices or manipulation. 

There are three promises that God makes to his people

1. People - God came to Abraham and Sarah and promised them not only a child that they so desperately wanted, but he also promised them a family as plentiful as the stars. He promised them "People" a family line. (Galatians 3:26-29)

2. Place - In Genesis 17 God promises "The whole land of Canaan, where you are now an alien, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you." In the days of the Bible a persons wealth was determined based on your offspring and the land you owned. By God promising Abraham and Sarah a nation and giving them a beautiful and fruitful land. He gave them a "Place".

3. Presence - God offered Abraham and Sarah and ALL OF US one of the greatest things he can - he offers us His presence. The greatest promise of all someone to walk beside us and guide us. A covenant to be our God forever and to be the God of our children and their children and on and on. "His commitment to walk with us as His children." Jessica LaGrone Namesake

Additional passages about God's presence 

Psalm 16:11, Psalm 41:12, and Acts 17:28

God's blessings in my life:

God has blessed me by providing people that bring me joy - My husband, my daughters, friends that come and one and my sister. These are the people besides my parents and in-laws that bring laughter and joy to my life.

God has blessed me by providing places that I treasure - The ocean, the mountains, my past homes and the beach houses where we have vacationed.

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