Today's Scripture: Genesis 27:1-13, Genesis 27:14-17, Genesis 27:18-40, and Philippians 4:11-13
I will be okay when ________ happens. I think I say this all the time, do you find yourself saying something along those lines? Or do you look at others and wonder why God has provided them their hearts desire and mine is unfulfilled?
Complete this sentence: I'll be happy when ___________________________ (my answer: we move and get settled).
In Genesis 27 we read about how Jacob lived his life based on the motto of "I'll be happy when". Jacob's downfall was basing his life on what his brother had (things that we wanted, that he ended up taking). When Isaac had finally come to the end of life, he told Esau to go and hunt for wild game, to prepare a meal for him and he would give Esau his blessing (his birthright has the 1st son). Once Esau had left Rebekah had a plan to use Jacob and deceive Isaac into giving Jacob the blessing of the 1st son.
Rebekah had Jacob bring her two goats which cooked into a tasty meal, she dressed Jacob in Esau clothes and covered his smooth skin with the skin from the goats. She gave Jacob the meal and told him to take it to Isaac. Her scheme was to steal the birthright and blessing from her older son and have it given to the younger son Jacob.
And so Isaac gave the blessing to Jacob. Esau soon returned and also cooked a meal for Isaac and when he brought it in to him was told that the blessing had already been given wrongfully to Jacob. Esau was saddened and in deep despair. Esau begged his father Isaac for a blessing, there must be some blessing that Isaac could bestow on Esau? But no he said the blessing will stand as it was given.
The lesson that can be learned from Jacob is our discontentment with what we have can damage the relationships with those around us. It can also damage our relationship with God. If we spend our lives wishing for what others have we can't see the life that God intended for us. Jacob wanted what his brother had, so not only did he do everything in his power to get it, but he basically told God I'm not happy with the life you have given me, I want to switch with my brother.
In 1 Timothy 6:6-10 it says that being content brings godliness and happiness, "let us be content with what we have" and praise God for our many blessings. Being discontent may lead us into temptation, to become trapped by foolishness and end up in sorrow. We as humans will always want more, but its important to thank God for the blessing we receive and to always work to find contentment in our lives.
"Knowing the love of our heavenly Father means
knowing there will be more than enough to go around"
- Jessica LaGrone
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