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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Namesake Week 3 Day 1: The Bitter Truth

Today's Scripture: Ruth 1:1-14, Ruth 1:20-21, and Romans 8:35-39

The start of Naomi's story begins in Judah. Noami, her husband, and her two sons lived in happily in Moab until Elimelech died and left Noami with her two sons and their wives. Shortly after Elimelch's death Naomi's two sons also died.

Naomi lost everything that mattered to her in the whole world. She decided she was going to go back to her home in Bethlehem. Naomi told her daughters in law to go back to their homes and find new husbands. Grief-stricken, angry and alone Naomi returns to Bethlehem. She is immediately greeted and responds "Don't call me Naomi" "Call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter." Ruth 1:20-21

Although Naomi was once very close to God, she blames God for her current state, alone, bitter, having nothing left. God is often the target for our anger and negative emotions. But God has heard it all and wants us to talk to him and empty out our hearts to Him even if the feelings are negative. God has heard it all before, so there is nothing we can say that will hurt him or make him turn away from us.

Even if we turn our backs on God, He will never turn away from us. God wants to be apart of our lives during the good and the bad times. A great exercise is to read Romans 8:35-39 and reword the verse by inserting your own experiences. God is bigger than anything that we could ever struggle with and there is NOTHING that can separate us from His love

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