Today's Scripture: Ruth 2:1-23, and Philippians 2:3-4
In this section of Ruth we are looking at the 2nd act of Naomi's story. When Ruth and Noami arrived in Bethlehem both women were dealing with loss. Naomi had become bitter and angry with God, which is a normal stage of grief. But at some point we have to move through the stages of grief and move on. As Naomi stayed in her grief Ruth began to change and move forward.
Ruth refused to stay wallowing in grief, her and Naomi's situation was serious and since they didn't have a male family member Ruth offered to go out and glean the fields - to gather the left overs the harvesters left behind. Ruth felt a calling to step outside her comfort zone and her own sad situation and go out into the fields.
Don't look out for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too." Philippians 2:3-4
When we are struggling or hurting we should try to reach out and help someone else. It's a hard idea to think about helping or caring for someone else when we are in need ourselves. When we are seen reaching out and helping other's we might inspire someone to do the same. This is what Ruth did and "her goodness and hard work were noticed and rewarded."
When Boaz (the owner of the field) learned of Ruth her took notice of her hard work and determination. He had heard of how she had taken care of Naomi and never left her, Boaz decided to look after her and help her succeed.
Ruth helped Naomi = Ruth gleaning in the fields =
Boaz appreciating Ruth's work and care of Naomi =
Boaz helping and protecting Ruth =
Naomi seeing Boaz helping Ruth and takes step to help Ruth later on
A circle of people helping people helping people, selfless acts of integrity, kindness and service.
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