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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Namesake Week 4 Day 4: Beasts of Burden

Today's Scripture: Isaiah 46:1-9, Isaiah 46:1-2, and Exodus 20:2-6
Versus related to what Idol worship teaches us: Psalm 115:4-8, Romans 1:21-23, I Corinthians 10:21, and Matthew 4:8-10

The question behind the book of Daniel which we looked at yesterday, is What do you worship?

  1. 1.
    the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.
    "the worship of God"
  2. synonyms:reverence, veneration, adoration, glorification, glory, exaltation
Worship can be done during church service and its a wonderful thing, but there is more to worship than just that. Worship is about finding something that is our reason for living a purposeful life. In order to find out what our life purpose is and honestly worship we must prioritize our life. Whatever is the center of our life is what we worship. 

Here is my life center:

People have a hard time worshiping an invisible God, that is when Idols are normally made. There are many cultures that make idols, physical statues or figures that represent the gods that they pray to. When the figure or statue is made it then has to be carried around, and that is when it starts to become a burden. God insists that we worship him and only him, not because of self-interest by because he wants the best for him children. "God loves us so much that He wants us to orient our lives to worship the only thing that can unburden us, Him!" - Namesake

When we turn away from God and go to other things for help, we are deceiving ourselves and separately us from God.

"When we remind ourselves again that He is the source of our comfort and strength, the giver of every good and perfect gift, the choice to worship Him with our whole lives flower naturally. He is the one choice as object of our affection who will give more love than He could ever receive."

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