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Monday, October 27, 2014

Namesake Week 5 Day 5 - Revelation - Pray in My Name

Today's Scripture: Jon 14:5-14, 1 John 5:13-15, Luke 6:46, Matthew 20:28, John 15:9-12

How do you imagine God when you pray? A kind loving man, an angry judgmental person looking down on your every move?

I imagine a soft, loving father figure who is always there for me with with kind words and open arms ready to welcome me in. For me God has to be an approachable person, that I can talk to and confide in. One of the main things that I struggle with remembering is does God understand what I'm going through? Jesus was a man and experienced all there is in life just like us, fear, frustration, love, weakness, etc. God has expectations for me, but He also has compassion and understanding towards my struggles.

In the bible we learn that even the disciples had a hard time focusing in their picture of God. (Understanding who God is and what He wants for / from us is one of the biggest concepts that the human can try to grasp - that's were FAITH has to step in.) Learning who God is takes more than reading a few devotionals, it can take a lifetime of walking with God and searching to know Him.

In John 14:13-14 - Jesus promised that He will provide anything we request if we ask it in His name. Have you ever prayed and prayed and not heard an answer? Or wondered if there is a right way / right prayer that would ensure your needs / wants be met? I always pray for patience and for God to change me for the better. I pray morning and night for patience with my daughters and my husband! By praying "in God's name" doesn't mean that we always instantaneously get what we want, we need to look at what motivates our prayer.

In 1 John 5:13-15 we are old that during our prayers God hears and if it pleases God we will receive what we need. We need to pray that God shape us and change the deepest parts of our hearts! We need to pray that we reflect the character and love of God here on earth.


Please guide me as a parent. Provide me with the knowledge and patience to be better and give my family a better me. I pray for understanding, forgiveness and a change to be more gentle. A better mom and wife will help to shape the hearts of my family. Help me bring them to you!

In Jesus' name I pray

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