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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Prayer, Fasting, and Thankfulness

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I wrote on Monday that I was starting a 21 day fast. Every morning I have put my social media aside, fasted through breakfast and have done my bible study with silent prayer. I have started a prayer journal and at the end of my quiet time I write down my thoughts and my prayer for the day. I have noticed that these last few days I have been more focused, full of purpose, and more calm.

Part of fasting is replacing the time that would have spent in doing whatever your fasting from in prayer. The foundation of our faith should be our relationship with God. To have a great relationship you have to spend time nurturing it. The communication and praise that is done before the crisis and requests for help from God is what builds our relationship.

I have prayed everyday, sometimes many times during the day for help with something. But I have been making an effort to thank God during prayer. To show Eucharist (Thanksgiving) - being thankful.

Here are a few questions to consider:

1. What can you do to deepen and increase your thankfulness, Joy, and grace?

2. What people in your life have revealed lives of grace, thankfulness and joy?

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