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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Stacking Stones

During the 25th anniversary celebration at my church each family received a stone. We were told to place it somewhere where we could see it each day and be reminded that God is always there and will provide all the help we need. I love this living stone tradition and placed our families stone on my mantle with other nature items that we have collected as a family.

During the parting of the River Jordan God said to collect 12 stones from the middle of the sea and stack them on the other side so that when their children asked about them they could tell the story of God's greatness. There are many cultures that stack stones.

This is still a tradition among the people of Israel to stack stones. These stacked stones act as a reminder of something great that God has done. Often the children and grandchildren will come across these stacks and ask "what do these stones means?" and the adults can tell the story that goes with each stack. 

In some places in scripture, a stone is used to describe strength and resiliency in a person's character. How great would it be to look out into your yard or garden and see stones that represent not only the great things that God has provided you with, but also the strength that you have in hard times. 

I am going to try and get my family involved by making stacks in our garden. Maybe stacks or maybe we can add 1 stone and build a wall or walkway. 

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