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Monday, October 20, 2014

Namesake Week 5 Day 1: From Mess to Ministry

Today's Scripture: Matthew 16:13-18, Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:16-19, Luke 6:13-16, Acts 1:13-14

I have shared that I was raised in a Christian home, but after I became pregnant with my oldest that I turned away from my faith. The year before a found my faith again my best friend was always trying to get me to go to bible study with her, I declined every time. I felt that I didn't know enough, my biblical knowledge was nil. I didn't want to go into a room with other women and show how little I knew about the bible, to be judged by others on how little I knew. When I stopped ignoring God speaking to my heart and really listened the first thing I did was go out and find a bible study. I picked up What Happens When Women Say Yes to God by Lisa Terkeurst and it really helped me start to rebuild my relationship with God. I was and still am extremely imperfect, the same is true when we meet Simon Peter in Matthew 16. Simon Peter was kind of a mess, why would Jesus chose him as a follower and a leader? When Jesus asked the disciples what they knew of Him, Simon Peter didn't think if his answer was right or wrong. Simon Peter simply answered what he felt in his heart to be true. Jesus doesn't care if we have extensive biblical knowledge He only cares about what we believe in our hearts, and if we chose Him.

This chapter asks "Who do you say that I am?" My answer - You are a great leader and teacher. You are like a stone dropped into water that has created thousands of ripples that will be made for hundreds of years. You are my savior, my father, my friend and example.

Simon was completely open, honest and personal in his response, he acknowledged that Jesus was the one person that was making changes in his life and changing the whole world. Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter, the rock. Jesus build the church's foundation on the rock, on Simon Peter. Jesus knew that Simon Peter was a work in progress, but I think He chose a person that he could change and help grow into the position He needed him to be. "...he was great building material, not a finished product." (speaking of Simon Peter). Jesus' pull to us has everything to do with loving us as we are, not loving the person that we have build ourselves to be. He can change us break us down and build us up for the better.

My favorite quote from this chapter reads,

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