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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Namesake Week 5 Day 2 - Change

Today's Scripture: Matthew 16: 13-20 and 16:21-23, Isaiah 55:8-9, Romans 12:1-2 and 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

Blogging is essentially an online digital journal, typing or physically writing out our successes and struggles can bring solutions to light. I don't need to go back and read my oldest posts to know that I deal with the same struggles and temptations today as years ago, three steps forward and sometimes 10 back. (The same thing I deal with medically).

Life is all about ups and downs. Everyone deals with it, even Peter. I'm sure he was struggling with leaving his whole life behind to follow Jesus, that his life was shaken when Jesus changed his name and he would be the "foundation" of Jesus' church. His journal would also speak of his willingness and resistance to change - a spiritual yo-yo. When we read the gospels of Peter (and Simon Peter) we will see Peter is at his highest followed by his deepest lows.

In Matthew 16:21 we read about how Jesus told the disciples of the tests He would soon have to go through and how these tests will be necessary to prove God's love and power. Peter loved Jesus so much that when he heard this he asked Jesus if there was any way he would not sacrifice himself and instead lead His people. Jesus called Peter "Satan" (in Hebrew Satan means to obstruct or oppose). When Peter voiced his concern and questioned God's plan through Jesus he was obstructing Jesus' path. He went from the high of being renamed and being the rock to the low of Jesus telling him he was like Satan.

Most of us, especially in today's world we don't like to wait. We want to change and do it immediately, but God normally works through us to change that can take a lifetime. When we give our lives over to God we have to remember that just with most things in life "it takes work". We cannot expect that once we reach out to God we won't struggle or temptations will instantly fade away. "Even as we walk with God we will sometimes fall down" Jessica LaGrone. We have to remember that the process is just as important as the end result. And thank God for his patience, grace and love!

In the Act on it section I made a graph of my journey with God.

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