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Thursday, May 29, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 20

Prayer in the Bible Day 20 - Practice

We have talked about making and keeping an appointment with God, a specific time and place for building our relationship. Yesterday we learned about two types of prayer, Private and Corporate (prayer we share with others). Today we are going to put these two types of prayer into practice.

Step out of your comfort zone and turn your focus on one of the two prayer types that might make you feel uncomfortable. If you are comfortable praying alone but praying with someone else makes you squirm than focus on keeping an appointment with a friend to pray.

Private Prayer
Goal - Praying alone at an appointment time

Review the following scriptures about private prayer: Matthew 6:6, Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16, Luke 6:12, Acts 10:9 and Daniel 6:10.

Make / Find a realistic space for daily prayer

Pick a location and make it yours

Commit this time to the Lord

Praying with Others
Goal - Ask the Lord to help you choose a person to pray with

Review the following scriptures about praying with others: Acts 2:42, Acts 20:36, James 5:16, 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Choose a comfortable place where you and your prayer partner can pray, talk, praise, and enjoy Christian companionship

From my Journal,

Praying and bible study in small groups makes me feel really nervous. People can get really heated and defensive when others have a difference of opinion, especially when it comes to religion. I have tried to have fellowship with some of friends and it ended with feeling upset and judged about my views and thoughts. I feel intimidated because of those interactions with sharing my feelings and personal thoughts about my faith. 

Currently I really don't have any close friends that I feel okay praying with. I would really like to pray with my husband, but he is not very religious. I am trying to get my husband to open up about being more involved in our faith. I try to talk to him daily about what I'm doing to grow my relationship with God.

My goal is to keep praying in private, talking to my husband about our faith, and to find someone (hopefully soon my husband) to pray with.

Tomorrow is the end of our study She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible. Tomorrow is a meditate and memorize day. Take tomorrow and look about over your journal entries and all the scriptures we have used along the way. Pick out your favorites and take some quiet time to memorize them into your heart.

I will start looking into the next study over the weekend.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 19

Prayer in the Bible Day 19: The Everywhere & The Somewhere

Day 19 Scripture: Acts 4:23-31 and 1 Thessalonians 5:17

When should we pray? Where should we pray?

We should have such a closeness with God and also those around us (friends and family) that a conversation can naturally flow into prayer (what would God say? Lets pray about it.)

Remember our practice days in this series? I wrote "Everything done right requires practice." and we have to build our relationship with God through time spent in quiet study, prayer, and praise.

A relationship with God is build through communication and time spent in prayer - anything, anywhere, & everywhere. But this relationship also develops when we meet with God regularly at a specific time and place.
Do you make and keep your appointments with your Father?

A specific place can be anywhere you choose. A place with your bible, journal, pens, markers, etc. Where you feel comfortable, relaxed, and can open your heart to God without distractions.
In bed in the morning before the kids are up (this is my place). Or in your home office, on the patio with your coffee, at night cuddled up on the couch...ANYWHERE

Do you look forward to that time? Do you feel different when you miss that appointment?

Additional Scripture about quiet prayer (your appointment with God)

1 Thessalonians 5:17-18
Mark 1:35
Luke 5:16
Luke 6:12
Acts 10:9
Daniel 6:10

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 18

Prayer in the Bible Day 18: Private and Corporate Praying

Day 18 Scripture: Matthew 6:1-6

The who, where, and when of praying

I think most of us can easily say that we have no problems with private prayer. That quiet time when we build our personal relationship with God. When we can humbly speak to our Father and in the quiet hear his response. But what about Corporate prayer? Out in the public for all to hear? Social media is the synagogue of today. Do you struggle with putting your prayers out there for all to see / read / hear? 

Whether it’s on Instagram or as a guest at your neighbor’s table, each time we call out His name publicly, we must carefully examine: am I doing this to be impressive, or am I doing this because He’s impressive? - She Reads Truth .com

Corporate prayer is when we a community (the christian community in groups large or small) come together in prayer, lifting one another up and praising God. 

Are we calling out his name to impress others or because He is impressive? I think we really have to ask ourselves this question. 

From my journal:

I'm sure you have seen o Facebook or received an email that say "if you are a believer than repost this or forward it on." I don't need to "like" something so that everyone knows I am a Christian. My prayers and actions show I'm a Christian, I don't need to impress others with my prayers.

Do not go around tooting your own horn at all the charity you give, the works you do for the church, or yell out about the prayers you pray. Don't act like a Christian to impress people.

"But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you." Matthew 6:6

God calls us to pray privately and also to share in prayer with other like minded and like hearted people. There is nothing wrong with asking the church or small group to pray with you, or for a group to pray together and all pray for someone  or something.

"The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results." James 5:16

Additional Scripture:

James 5:16
Acts 2:42
Luke 9:28
John 17

Mark 14:32

Friday, May 23, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 17

Prayer in the Bible Day 17: Practicing Kingdom Praying

Day 17 Scripture: Psalm 103:19, Isaiah 61:1, and Revelations 11:15

How do we choose what to pray for? There are so many world issues and we have all our own issues, it may seem a little overwhelming to pick just one thing. Try to remember to stay focused on the bigger picture, pray for the hurting of the world close and far. 

As you see the news stories instead of turning away or sitting in worry use these opportunities to pray. Ask God for a good ending, for His Kingdom to come to earth and for people to find God.

As you pray you might find that God will lay down a path for you, directing you towards a specific area, person, or issue. You may be the good outcome. You might be the one to bring God's work to a problem. Isaiah 61:1

From my journal:

Lately I have really tried to sit down and think if there are other's who need my prayers. A friend in need or families facing loosing everything in a flood or fire. I still pray from myself, but why not pray for others too? There is power in prayer and every prayer is heard by God. So pray for those around you that request prayers, for all the hungry in the world, pray for your neighbor, or those hurting in Russia. 

My 1 prayer could make all the difference. Isn't that amazing? God gave me this gift to use and to share, so by praying I am bringing His Kingdom to earth. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

What a Crazy Week

Just a second, hold on, I'll be right there. This is what my house sounds like right now.

This week has been one of the busiest in awhile. There have been multiple errands or appointments every day. Today I got up at 6:30am went to the gym, came home at 7:45 went to jump in the shower and my Cloe (3 yo) wakes up and is covered in an itchy red rash. I get in the shower and start getting ready when the plumber shows up to fix the shower. Now on to grocery shopping, a home loan appointment at 4:00pm and Cloe's spring program at 6:00pm (that is if she is rash free).

I sometimes during all of this remember to stop and breath for a minute. To remember that God has blessed me with all of this. I am thankful every day for the things I have and my prayers are constantly filled with praise for the many blessings I receive.

Tomorrow is Friday - playdate day! And a fun BBQ with family and friends.

I hope you all have an amazing holiday weekend, remember to have fun with your families and be safe!

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 16

Prayer in the Bible Day 16: Kingdom Prayer in Scripture

Day 16 Scripture: Colossians 4:2-4, John 13:34, and Psalm 88:9

The Big Picture

Sometimes we are so focused on OUR lives and what's going on in OUR lives that we can't see the bigger picture. "Can't see the forest, for the trees."

God made the world and the universe in such a way that they don't need God's constant overseeing, saving, and redemption. But humans are completely different - we need God daily.

Psalm 88:9 "My eyes are blinded by my tears. Each day I beg for your help, O Lord, I lift my hands to you for mercy."

Colossians 4:2-4 "Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ"

From my journal:

Its estimated that there are 7,167,265,400 and counting in the world today. God tells us that just 1 person can make all the difference. We can make a huge difference in His Kingdom. This power can be used to take care of us, our families, and all the billions of others. 


We have to stop worrying about what clothes to buy, where to eat, and what car we drive. We need to seek His Kingdom and stop looking at ourselves under a magnifying glass. God can help us lift our eyes and see the bigger higher purpose of God's will, but we have to ask through prayer. We will then see what is close to God's heart. ♥♥♥

God's expression of his will is the commandment that "you love one another, even as I have loved you" (John 13:34). We ask for God's loving plan to be fully realized on earth as it already is in heaven.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 15

Prayer in the Bible Day 15: Kingdom Praying

Day 15 Scripture: Matthew 6:10

There are prayers of praise, we focus upward. Prayers of confession are focused inward. And prayers for His Kingdom where we turn our attention outward.

What is kingdom prayer? What are we praying for when we pray this type of prayer?

Kingdom prayers are for asking God to bring heaven to earth. To bring God's work down to us, to ALL of us.

We can open the door to heaven and let God's work be done, the Gospel to be spread, for God to bless us all. We need to see the world through His eyes, with His love.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Great Weekend

Here is a recap of what we did over the weekend. My husband went out of town for a boys weekend / camping trip so it was just the girls. Friday night the girls and I went to Black Bear for dinner, its one of our favorite places.
Saturday Cloe and I spent the day at the Rocklin Community Fair and went to the fireworks. It was a weekend full of laughs, smiles, and fun fun times. 

Here is my first tomato of the summer, its a little guy but I grew it. :)

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 14

Prayer in the Bible Day 14: Memorize

Today is all about quiet time with the word of God, meditate and memorize his word. Go back over all the scripture we have read so far in this study, see what speaks to your heart. Spend this time in with God, drink in his words and memorize them into your heart. We do this to bring honor and joy to God and for us it allows us to grow in his TRUTH.

Monday, May 19, 2014

A Large Dose of Real Life

What a Monday and its only 12:30. My daughter got in a fight and got suspended for the rest of the year. My husband's aunt is calling me for advice on filling for divorce, and my father in law is calling trying to get a hold of my husband. 1) My daughter and I do not get along and it kills me. I am mad that she in trouble again for like the 5th time this school year. 2) I have never been divorced so how can I help you and 3) my husband is at work and I want him home.

I have to go and pick up the little one from preschool now. Sorry about the vent but what I day and its only half over.

p.s. Got back from picking up Cloe and dropped a large Ball jar full of Vanilla Chia Pudding and the shards popped Cloe's balloon puppy that her teacher made her.

What a day...and it isnt over yet! Please God give me patience, grace, and to remember to keep my frustration to myself.

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 13

Prayer in the Bible Day 13: Practicing Intercession

Today is all about taking action and putting what we've learned about prayers of intercession to work.

Make sure to grab your journals. 

Write down or pray the following prayers.

1. Quiet your mind and identify a person or persons you look up to spiritually

2. Write down how this person(s) showed instruction or examples of intercession

3. Write or say a prayer on intercession on behalf of the person(s) above

4. Don't forget to include praises to God for giving you the privilege of prayer.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Blogger and Google Analytics

I could just pull all my hair out and jab a fork in each eye when I try to figure out how to reach more people with my blog and using Google analytics is even worse.

I have done countless hours and thousands of searches on the best way to do all of this and have had very little luck. But this evening I found help, hallelujah!!!!!!!!

I found a blog post Click here to read 9 Awesome Things You Can Do With Google Analytics from KISSmetrics. I finally understood what I was doing and how to change my reports around so they are easier to read.

I have also found some new blogs by using - its a great blog directory for any kind of blog your are looking for. Its also filled with tips for how to make your blog better and understanding different elements of Google+, Adsense and Google Analytics.

If you are having trouble with this issue check out KISSmetrics. Also if you have any tips are how to reach more followers please comment below.

Friday, May 16, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 12

Prayer in the Bible Day 12: Prayers of Intercession 
in Scripture

Day 12 Scripture: Exodus 32

Exodus is the story of the Gold Calf and Moses praying to God to share the people of Israel. 

-Moses goes to God on behalf of the people of Israel
-The people get tired of waiting and wondering when Moses will return and so they go wild and make a new God - the Gold Calf
-Moses pleads and prays to God to not abandon the people even though they turned away from him
-God grants Moses' request, but reminds Moses that when he calls them home God will hold them accountable for their sins (I read this as they will not be entering the gates into heaven, but it is not Moses' concern.)

From my journal:

I will admit that one of my biggest faults is I invest too much into others, and in an attempts to help I put myself into other people's drama. Getting lost and becoming overwhelmed by others is letting our hearts wonder away from God. God wants us to pray prayers of intercession instead of trying to correct other people's problems ourselves. 

God wants us to be interactive through our prayers and conversations with him. God is a personal God. God wishes us to pray for others. 

Intercessory prayer is less about us and God and more about grace and sharing God with others. James 5:16

Praying for others not only shows grace and shares God's greatness, but it's a selfless act shared between you and God. What we need to remember is when we pray for others we are taking the sadness we feel over the situation and giving it to God, we need to feel relief that God is taking care of it. We can pray every time we feel the sadness, but God will make the decision on how to act in the other person's life. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 11

Prayer in the Bible Day 11: Prayers of Intercession

Day 11 Scripture: Nehemiah 1, John 17, and Romans 12:12

The word intercede means to intervene on another's behalf. In prayer it means to go to God in the name of another. 

In today's scripture we see Nehemiah and Jesus praying to God for others, putting their own agenda aside and praying for the struggles of others.

When we pray prayers of intercession there is a kind of formula that we see examples of in the bible. First we confess and repent of our own sins, second we remind / praise God of his commandments and how we love and respect them, lastly we make our requests for help for the person we are praying for. 

From my Journal:

John 17 - The Prayer of Jesus

Jesus praised and thanked God his father before praying his prayer of intercession.

"My prayer is not for the world, but for those you have given me..." John 17:9

"...Now protect them by the power of your name. So that they will be united 
just as we are." John 17:11

This is my favorite part of this scripture.

"I'm not asking you to take them out of this world, but to keep them sage 
from the evil one. John 17:15

 "Make them holy by your TRUTH, teach them your word which is TRUTH" John 17:17

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Frustrated Wednesday

If you have read my background posts (check them out in January's archived posts) then you know that I have been struggling with back pain for along time and over the past three years it has been a daily struggle. Today I woke up and its a bad day, my pain level is high, but I have to still have to get Cloe (3 1/2) up and to preschool. I have to push through and keep on that happy face for those around me. The rest of my day will be spent stretching and on the ice pack. My prayer today is that the pain will level off and I will not take out my frustrations on others.

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible will be available tomorrow. Sorry for the delay and I hope that you follow along tomorrow because Day 11 is a good one. Please send up a little prayer for me that my pain is alleviated!

I hope your day is filled with blessing small and large and you remember to give thanks!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 10

Prayer in the Bible Day 10 - Practice Petition

Day 10 Scripture: Matthew 26:36-46 and Philippians 4:6-7

Practice, practice, practice - practice is the only way to become comfortable with prayer. While we will never achieve "perfection" on this earth, God's will for us is for a closer relationship with His perfection. 

Today we will practice how best to approach God with our petitions. Each desire that we have is important to us and in turn important to Him. Part of practicing prayer is so we know that we can go to God for anything, safety, comfort, guidance, wisdom, and in prayers of petition. 

For today's practice exercise I would suggest a journal or you want to simply pray through the list below.

  • Thank God for watching over you and always being at your side. Repent if you feel you have hidden anything from God over the past few days.

  • Try to find something to ask God for (anything large or small).

  • Make sure to be specific when you pray, don't hold anything back.

  • Be bold in asking God for what you want - He can even grant what you might think is impossible. 
End your prayers with "Not my will, but yours be done. Amen"

Philippians 4:6-7 "Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace which exceeds anything we can understand. Hid peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."

Monday, May 12, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 9

Prayer in the Bible Day 9: Prayers of Petition in Scripture

Day 9 Scripture: Psalm 56, Matthew 26:36-46, and Luke 18:1-8

Intimacy is what God wants from us and this intimacy extends all the way down to our asking (petitioning) for the things we want and need. God wants to share an intimate relationship with us a give and take of communication. Us asking and praising him and God answering our prayers and blessing us with an enjoyable life.

But we cannot spend our time in prayer constantly asking for this and that, please God don't let it rain, or please let me get this juice stain out of the carpet. We need to make sure that we are not taking advantage of our privilege to pray. The balance between longing and surrender, boldness and trust this is the way that Jesus prayed to God in Gethsemane (the mount of olives). A great example of how we should be petitioning the Almighty Lord.

From my journal:

Psalm 56:3 "But when I am afraid I will put my trust in you." David was so afraid but he continued to have faith, pray, and trust in God. He prayed for strength and for God to stand beside him. David never once prayed to be freed. That blows me away. Instead of praying "please God let me go, let me escape." His prayer of petition was for God to make him strong and that if it was God's will we would be a sacrifice. 

Matthew 26:39 & 42 "My Father! If it be possible this cup of suffering be taken away from me...If this cup cannot be taken away unless I drink it, your will be done."

And Jesus knew that man had betrayed him and his death would shortly follow. Jesus' only prayers of petition was that he would do what God asked, even through his fear of dying, he only wanted to make sure that it was God's will. 

Luke 18:1 "they should always pray and never give up." If we truly need something whether physical or words of guidance we should cry out to God in prayers of petition. Even if we have to cry out day and night until we get an answer. God will not turn a deaf ear to us, he welcomes the intimate interaction and he will always answer us.

"The pleas of an honest heart following hard after God are music to His ears." - She Reads Truth

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

To all the wonderful moms out there. I hope your day is filled with kisses and hugs from all your littles and blessed with happy memories.

Happy Mother's Day
♥ Lindsy
~This Mom's Path~

Friday, May 9, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 8

Prayer in the Bible Day 8: Prayers of Petition

Day 8 Scripture: Luke 11:5-13, Matthew 7:7-11, Luke 22:39-44, James 5:13-18

Prayers of petition are the most common prayers we make. Prayers of petition are those that are more about what we want or need, demands for guidance, prayers for help, or prayers said as a group. God created us to come to Him with our problems and requests for help and he always listens to these types of prayers.

God doesn't always answer are prayers in the way we want. I read a quote somewhere that said "when things are falling apart, the pieces might be falling into place." this is how God answers are prayers of petition sometimes. When we ask God for something we need be open to the idea that you might receive something different that you expect.

From my journal:

"Yet I want your will to be done, not mine." - Luke 22:42

God knows all and has already seen where we will go in life. When we ask for something or want to make a big decision / change in our life we should pray to God with what we want and ask God to share with us what his will is.

"Keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you." - Luke 11:9

If we are suffering, happy, ill or in need we should earnestly pray. Prayers offered in faith will have power. Pray, sing praises and have a close communication and relationship with God. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer In the Bible Day 7

Prayer in the Bible Day 7: Reflection

Today is a day to reflect on you and what we have learned in this study so far. Take some quiet time today to meditate and memorize. Let the truth of God's word grow in our hearts.

"So remember this and keep in firmly in mind: The Lord is God both in heaven and on earth, and there is no other." - Deuteronomy 4:39

"But we know that there is only one God, the Father, who created everything, we live for him." - 1 Corinthians 8:6

"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path." - Psalm 119:105

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 6

Prayer in the Bible Day 6: Practicing 
Confession and Repentance

Day 6 Scripture: Psalm 51:1-12

Just like an skill that we learn we must practice. Start by reading today's scripture and then write down a couple prayers of confession and repentance. 

Here are some prompts to get you started:

- Who have I injured? What action caused this hurt?

- When have I put myself, others, or other things before God?

- Ask God to show you any un-confessed sins.

- Reflect on your day and go to God with your sins of the day.

Make sure to ask for forgiveness (freedom) from the guilt and for guidance to do better.

"Have mercy on my O God, because of your unfailing love. Because of your great compassion, blot out my sins, wash me clean from my guilt. Purify me from my sin for I recognize my sin, it haunts me day and night." - Psalm 51:1-3

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 5

Prayer in the Bible Day 5: Confession & Repentance

Day 5 Scripture: Luke 15:11-32 The Parable of the Lost Son

The thing about sinning, confessing, and repenting is that we first have to be honest with ourselves that we have done something against God and our beliefs. Once we have been honest with ourselves that this is something we didn't mean or want to do and we are not happy with the what we have done we must then go to God and those affected by our sin. We can't go to God with some preconceived thought of how God will respond or with an expectation of what restoration might look like. Confession and Repentance is very simple we have to take our offending sin to God, be honest and genuinely repent and want to do better. 

No matter the sin or how long you turn away from God He will always gladly welcome you Home.

From my journal:
It's such a reassuring thought that God will always celebrate our return home, but the going home can sometimes be so hard. It took me almost 13 years to get back to God, and I struggled a lot in these years with other sins and brokenness. I was face down in my sin and the devil made me feel unworthy of God's forgiveness and love. It took having my second daughter to forgive myself and not think about what God was going to do. I finally stepped out of the dark and turned to God. Nothing really happened at first, but I continued to pray and pray! I started to feel God with me and have the confidence that only He can bring. My life started to fall into place and I felt happy and peaceful. There are still days when nothing goes right, I yell at my kids, or I'm selfish but my life is in such a better place having a relationship with God. 
"He was dead and has come back to life."
"He was lost and now he is found."

Monday, May 5, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 4

Prayer in the Bible Day 4: Confession and Repentance

Day 4 Scripture: Psalm 32:1-7

The best thing about the crucifixion is how we were all born again free from sin. But then what? We as humans began to sin again. We cannot take our sin and hide from God. We cannot sit quietly and tune out what the spirit has to say.

This is the place that the devil likes us to be. Alone and away from God swimming in our sin and guilt. He will lie to us so that we stay in this dark and lonely place.

But God will always forgive us. We have to be accountable with God, be honest, and try to fix what we have done, heal those we have hurt, and correct the damage we have done.

From my journal:
The Psalm of David teaches us that the longer we hide our sin the worst we feel. We have to give this sin and guilt over to God and allow his forgiveness to rain down on us. We cannot dwell in the pain after we have repented we have to heal. Do not "drown in the floodwaters of judgement."Psalm 32:7
God Forgives All

How was everyone's weekend? Our family had a great time enjoying the weather, playing outside and making homemade ice cream (our favorite). Hope you have a great week and continue to follow along with great series.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Mother's Day Wish List

As something fun for the weekend I used to make a board of all the items that I'm wishing for this Mother's Day. I never really make lists of the things I want, and these are items that I would never buy myself.

What are you wishing for this Mother's Day?

Wish List

Friday, May 2, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 3

Prayer in the Bible Day 3 - Practicing Praise

Day 3 Scripture: Psalm 8, 1 Chronicles 16:7-36, Psalm 100

Everything done right requires practice. We have to practice to say thank you to God. First we have to ask ourselves "How do I see God's hand at work in my life?" The answer to this question are the things that we need to say thank you for. 

We also have to remember that we have to say thank you even in the harder times. This doesn't always happen when we are in the thick of the storm, but saying thank you after the calm has come. Thank you for bring the storm that put me back on my path or kept me from going down a rough road. After we start challenging ourselves to say thank you, we will start giving our thanks naturally. has a great exercise for "thank you" beginners. Pretend that you are writing God a thank you note. 


I am sincerely thankful for _______________________.
Thank you
I'm faithfully yours

Try every day to say thank you, for everything at first. Before long you will be thanking God all the time. This might be a practice that you have to do every once in awhile. If you notice that you haven't thanked God daily then set up a challenge for yourself to thank God daily for 2 weeks, or a month etc. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

She Reads Truth - Prayer in the Bible Day 2

Prayer in the Bible Day 2 - Praise

Day 2 Scripture: 1 Chronicles 16:7-36  Psalm 100

Praising the Lord - having a voice and using it to joyously and happily thank God.

There are so many way to praise the Lord

Singing in the car
Praise of church
Worship and sing with your kids

"Give the Lord the glory he deserves - worship the word." - 1 Chronicles 16:29

How should we be praising the Lord? Should we do it out of obligation? 

When I think praise that I know God loves I think of Gladness, Joy, Thanks, Love, Excitement, and Energy.

From my journal:
Sometimes when I feel the pull to go to church it's to praise. I often feel more open to praise when I go to church alone. This is something that I need to work on, I should feel comfortable to praise even when my husband is at my side. I really enjoy singing anywhere - at church and I have my car radio tuned to the Fish (my local christian music radio). In the mornings I have our home radio tuned to the christian station so my 3 year old and I can sing and dance around. That is praise!