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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Namesake Week 5 Day 1: Unnamed, But Not Unknown

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Today's Scripture: John 8:2-6, 2 Kings 4:1-7, Matthews 9:20-22, Mark 9:17-24, Psalm 139:13-14, 2 Timothy 3:16

From an early age we are taught to say "Hi my name is _____" when we want to meet someone. And we as adults would never ask personal intimate questions of someone without first making introductions and knowing someones name. Yet in the bible there are many important stories of people unnamed.

These unnamed people are more often than not given title that described their situation or a nickname based on their actions. The story that we are booking at in this chapter is that of an unnamed women who is "named" based on a moment of mistake, she is known as "The Women Caught in Adultery". Can you imagine if someone went through your passed and instead of using your name labeled you based on some bad action? None of us wants to dwell on the mistakes of our past, so it would be damaging to be constantly reminded of some bad choice by others judging you and labeling you like the scarlet letter.

Read the story of "The Women Caught in Adultery" in John 8:2-6.  A group of men brought the women before Jesus and they thought there were only two options (for they did not know that Jesus was unlike any other man) to stone her which would take power away from Rome or to pardon her which would do against the laws of Moses potentially losing respect from his followers. The men that brought this women before the temple were not concerned with her as a person, but wanted to set a trap for Jesus to discredit him and potentially get him killed. This damaged women must have been used to men using her for their own purpose, not knowing her heart, her hurts or even her name.

As she stood before "this man" Jesus he held her fate and life in his hands, this man who she could find the love she was missing and the healing that she needed. This man was her creator and "could love her more than anyone ever could". One thing is for sure her life was never the same!

Why are these stories of people who's names are never revealed in the bible? Namesake lists 4 reasons.

1. They are to show that every life no matter how small has great significance to God. 
Psalm 139:13-14

2. Their struggles and triumphs are shared so that we may learn from them. 
2 Corinthians 1:3-5

3. To remind us that God is the main character in our stories and it's His name that should be lifted up not ours.
Psalm 8:1-4

4. These stories may have been written without names so that we can insert our own name in the blank. 
2 Timothy 3:16

This unnamed women may have been unknown to most and still remains unnamed to us, but Jesus knew her and loved her. I sometimes feel unnoticed, insignificant. I wonder what it is that others see and love about me. What do I mean to others? I have to remind myself that God knows my heart, every dream, stumble, and joy. 

"Before I were born He saw me. Before anyone spoke my name, He knew me. According to Him, I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

Monday, October 27, 2014

Namesake - The Last Week

I must confess that Namesake has been a difficult study for me. But I have learned a lot about my views of God and how to strengthen my relationship with Him. I'm on the look out for a new study, if you have any suggestions please let me know. Otherwise I will post which study might be next in the coming days! I hope you follow along for the last few days of this study!

Namesake Week 5 Day 5 - Revelation - Pray in My Name

Today's Scripture: Jon 14:5-14, 1 John 5:13-15, Luke 6:46, Matthew 20:28, John 15:9-12

How do you imagine God when you pray? A kind loving man, an angry judgmental person looking down on your every move?

I imagine a soft, loving father figure who is always there for me with with kind words and open arms ready to welcome me in. For me God has to be an approachable person, that I can talk to and confide in. One of the main things that I struggle with remembering is does God understand what I'm going through? Jesus was a man and experienced all there is in life just like us, fear, frustration, love, weakness, etc. God has expectations for me, but He also has compassion and understanding towards my struggles.

In the bible we learn that even the disciples had a hard time focusing in their picture of God. (Understanding who God is and what He wants for / from us is one of the biggest concepts that the human can try to grasp - that's were FAITH has to step in.) Learning who God is takes more than reading a few devotionals, it can take a lifetime of walking with God and searching to know Him.

In John 14:13-14 - Jesus promised that He will provide anything we request if we ask it in His name. Have you ever prayed and prayed and not heard an answer? Or wondered if there is a right way / right prayer that would ensure your needs / wants be met? I always pray for patience and for God to change me for the better. I pray morning and night for patience with my daughters and my husband! By praying "in God's name" doesn't mean that we always instantaneously get what we want, we need to look at what motivates our prayer.

In 1 John 5:13-15 we are old that during our prayers God hears and if it pleases God we will receive what we need. We need to pray that God shape us and change the deepest parts of our hearts! We need to pray that we reflect the character and love of God here on earth.


Please guide me as a parent. Provide me with the knowledge and patience to be better and give my family a better me. I pray for understanding, forgiveness and a change to be more gentle. A better mom and wife will help to shape the hearts of my family. Help me bring them to you!

In Jesus' name I pray

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Namesake Week 5 Day 4: Gods Arithmetic

Today's Scripture: John 21:1-19

Most of us are a work in progress, a mix of old and new, past and present. With God's helpful arithmetic he can guide us to subtract the negative and add the positive equaling a balanced life.

Here is an activity from this chapter of the book.

Read the following scripture and put a + or a - to indicate if it was a positive or negative moment for Peter.

Luke 22:14-20 ____

Luke 22:24 ____

Luke 22:33 ____

Luke 22:34 ____

John 13:8 ____

John 13:9 ____

Mark 14:32-41 ____

John 18:10 ____

Matthew 26:69-75 ____

"It's at our times of greatest need that Jesus can show us the great forgiveness." J.G.

One great example of God's arithmetic is found in Matthew 18:21-22. Jesus says that we are to forgive 70 x 7 times. Jesus is trying to tell us not to keep count or keep a grudge of how many times someone sins against us, but that we should forgive more often than we can count.

For every mistake that we make Jesus adds another chance, He doesn't subtract his grace or mercy He just adds another 1, if you turn away from His 7 times he will give you 8 chances at redemption.

God's Arithmetic will never add up, but will always make sense to us all in the end.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Namesake Week 5 Day 3: Disappointing God

Today's Scripture: Luke 22:31-34, Luke 22:54-62

A few years ago a co-worker of mine told me "You can't hold others to the expectations that you hold yourself too." After all these years that advise still stays with me, I remind myself of it whenever I feel disappointed by the actions of others. I think that some people (some Christians even) wonder what is the positive in living in this post-Eden imperfect world? Jessica LaGrone's response is "we get to see how God deals with disappointment" Just live a parent, when God feels disappointment with us its because we are making bad choices and He only wants the best for us. The best thing about God and a lesson that we should all learn is even when deeply disappointment God response with GRACE. God will reach out to us again, and again, and again.

Here are some examples of God's grace:

Ephesians 2:8-9

Hebrews 4:16

Romans 5:1-2

"When we act in disappointing ways, God is not surprised. He knows us better than we know ourselves, and He is ready to respond with Grace. He also knows that failure is like a sieve that can strengthen us. " Jessica LaGrone

I have a really hard time with expectations and disappointment as a mom and wife! God must deal with this as well, being our Holy Father, but he shows us unconditional love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness. These qualities are the ones that I strive for everyday. To show my children that when we are disappointed we can still be gentle and not lash out or recoil, we need to extend understanding and love. We have a choice just like God has a choice to reject us or to work on us.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Namesake Week 5 Day 2 - Change

Today's Scripture: Matthew 16: 13-20 and 16:21-23, Isaiah 55:8-9, Romans 12:1-2 and 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

Blogging is essentially an online digital journal, typing or physically writing out our successes and struggles can bring solutions to light. I don't need to go back and read my oldest posts to know that I deal with the same struggles and temptations today as years ago, three steps forward and sometimes 10 back. (The same thing I deal with medically).

Life is all about ups and downs. Everyone deals with it, even Peter. I'm sure he was struggling with leaving his whole life behind to follow Jesus, that his life was shaken when Jesus changed his name and he would be the "foundation" of Jesus' church. His journal would also speak of his willingness and resistance to change - a spiritual yo-yo. When we read the gospels of Peter (and Simon Peter) we will see Peter is at his highest followed by his deepest lows.

In Matthew 16:21 we read about how Jesus told the disciples of the tests He would soon have to go through and how these tests will be necessary to prove God's love and power. Peter loved Jesus so much that when he heard this he asked Jesus if there was any way he would not sacrifice himself and instead lead His people. Jesus called Peter "Satan" (in Hebrew Satan means to obstruct or oppose). When Peter voiced his concern and questioned God's plan through Jesus he was obstructing Jesus' path. He went from the high of being renamed and being the rock to the low of Jesus telling him he was like Satan.

Most of us, especially in today's world we don't like to wait. We want to change and do it immediately, but God normally works through us to change that can take a lifetime. When we give our lives over to God we have to remember that just with most things in life "it takes work". We cannot expect that once we reach out to God we won't struggle or temptations will instantly fade away. "Even as we walk with God we will sometimes fall down" Jessica LaGrone. We have to remember that the process is just as important as the end result. And thank God for his patience, grace and love!

In the Act on it section I made a graph of my journey with God.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Namesake Week 5 Day 1: From Mess to Ministry

Today's Scripture: Matthew 16:13-18, Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:16-19, Luke 6:13-16, Acts 1:13-14

I have shared that I was raised in a Christian home, but after I became pregnant with my oldest that I turned away from my faith. The year before a found my faith again my best friend was always trying to get me to go to bible study with her, I declined every time. I felt that I didn't know enough, my biblical knowledge was nil. I didn't want to go into a room with other women and show how little I knew about the bible, to be judged by others on how little I knew. When I stopped ignoring God speaking to my heart and really listened the first thing I did was go out and find a bible study. I picked up What Happens When Women Say Yes to God by Lisa Terkeurst and it really helped me start to rebuild my relationship with God. I was and still am extremely imperfect, the same is true when we meet Simon Peter in Matthew 16. Simon Peter was kind of a mess, why would Jesus chose him as a follower and a leader? When Jesus asked the disciples what they knew of Him, Simon Peter didn't think if his answer was right or wrong. Simon Peter simply answered what he felt in his heart to be true. Jesus doesn't care if we have extensive biblical knowledge He only cares about what we believe in our hearts, and if we chose Him.

This chapter asks "Who do you say that I am?" My answer - You are a great leader and teacher. You are like a stone dropped into water that has created thousands of ripples that will be made for hundreds of years. You are my savior, my father, my friend and example.

Simon was completely open, honest and personal in his response, he acknowledged that Jesus was the one person that was making changes in his life and changing the whole world. Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter, the rock. Jesus build the church's foundation on the rock, on Simon Peter. Jesus knew that Simon Peter was a work in progress, but I think He chose a person that he could change and help grow into the position He needed him to be. "...he was great building material, not a finished product." (speaking of Simon Peter). Jesus' pull to us has everything to do with loving us as we are, not loving the person that we have build ourselves to be. He can change us break us down and build us up for the better.

My favorite quote from this chapter reads,

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Happy Fall Yall

Finally fall has come to Northern California. 

So much has happened since my last post...
After painting for four days and getting all new carpet,
We finally got all moved into our new house,
both girls started school (Shay as a freshman and Cloe in preschool),
Shay decided to run away from home for 24 hours,
and my MS has been kicking my butt.

Its been a crazy 2 months thats for sure!

Today my house smells like the stew that's in the crock pot and its overcast from the rain last night. 
It finally feels like fall, my favorite season.

Since its so late in the week I will finish the last two chapters of the Namesake study next week.

Here are a few photos from the past couple weeks.