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Today's Scripture: John 8:2-6, 2 Kings 4:1-7, Matthews 9:20-22, Mark 9:17-24, Psalm 139:13-14, 2 Timothy 3:16
From an early age we are taught to say "Hi my name is _____" when we want to meet someone. And we as adults would never ask personal intimate questions of someone without first making introductions and knowing someones name. Yet in the bible there are many important stories of people unnamed.
These unnamed people are more often than not given title that described their situation or a nickname based on their actions. The story that we are booking at in this chapter is that of an unnamed women who is "named" based on a moment of mistake, she is known as "The Women Caught in Adultery". Can you imagine if someone went through your passed and instead of using your name labeled you based on some bad action? None of us wants to dwell on the mistakes of our past, so it would be damaging to be constantly reminded of some bad choice by others judging you and labeling you like the scarlet letter.
Read the story of "The Women Caught in Adultery" in John 8:2-6. A group of men brought the women before Jesus and they thought there were only two options (for they did not know that Jesus was unlike any other man) to stone her which would take power away from Rome or to pardon her which would do against the laws of Moses potentially losing respect from his followers. The men that brought this women before the temple were not concerned with her as a person, but wanted to set a trap for Jesus to discredit him and potentially get him killed. This damaged women must have been used to men using her for their own purpose, not knowing her heart, her hurts or even her name.
As she stood before "this man" Jesus he held her fate and life in his hands, this man who she could find the love she was missing and the healing that she needed. This man was her creator and "could love her more than anyone ever could". One thing is for sure her life was never the same!
Why are these stories of people who's names are never revealed in the bible? Namesake lists 4 reasons.
1. They are to show that every life no matter how small has great significance to God.
Psalm 139:13-14
2. Their struggles and triumphs are shared so that we may learn from them.
2 Corinthians 1:3-5
3. To remind us that God is the main character in our stories and it's His name that should be lifted up not ours.
Psalm 8:1-4
4. These stories may have been written without names so that we can insert our own name in the blank.
2 Timothy 3:16
This unnamed women may have been unknown to most and still remains unnamed to us, but Jesus knew her and loved her. I sometimes feel unnoticed, insignificant. I wonder what it is that others see and love about me. What do I mean to others? I have to remind myself that God knows my heart, every dream, stumble, and joy.
"Before I were born He saw me. Before anyone spoke my name, He knew me. According to Him, I am fearfully and wonderfully made."